What is a acceptable ping/latency for FTB?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019

I was planing of starting up a server off creeper host for me and 3 friends. Since I live in Australia and creeperhost do not have severs in Aus, it looks like I will have to get a west coast USA server. My only problem is latency. I did a speedtest.com and got a 270 ms ping to the western USA servers. I know 270ms would be completely unplayable for a games like first person shooters etc, but what would it be like for ftb? I heard minecraft in general is playable in around 400ms. We will not be PvPing so a really low ping is not needed, right? Anybody tell me what is a acceptable ping level for Minecraft/FTB?

Sorry for my grammer, bit tired and on my phone lol.


Too Much Free Time
Nov 11, 2013

I was planing of starting up a server off creeper host for me and 3 friends. Since I live in Australia and creeperhost do not have severs in Aus, it looks like I will have to get a west coast USA server. My only problem is latency. I did a speedtest.com and got a 270 ms ping to the western USA servers. I know 270ms would be completely unplayable for a games like first person shooters etc, but what would it be like for ftb? I heard minecraft in general is playable in around 400ms. We will not be PvPing so a really low ping is not needed, right? Anybody tell me what is a acceptable ping level for Minecraft/FTB?

Sorry for my grammer, bit tired and on my phone lol.
There will be a difference between pinging some ISPs outer gateway servers(or whatever they are called) with speedtest, and then accessing the actual creeperhost server through their gateway and their ISP. So my best guess would be you end up in the 300ms range.