Hey, just wanted to share this computercraft program. Think everyone will like it. It allows you to input programs to your turtles from anywhere as long as your server is running. Anywhere with internet.
Installation instructions.
Step one. Make a startup program.
Step two. Put anything in it.
Step three. Append this to the end of it, replacing DROPBOX USER ID with your dropbox user id. (google it)
Step five. Run startup on turtle/computer.
Known issues:
Will loop indefinitely. if you only want something to run once, replace program with a sleep command after saving the file.
Installation instructions.
Step one. Make a startup program.
Step two. Put anything in it.
Step three. Append this to the end of it, replacing DROPBOX USER ID with your dropbox user id. (google it)
Step four. Create a text file in your public folder of your dropbox account named turtle_status.txt. Put above code at end of that file.local fileGet = http.get("https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/DROPBOX USER ID/turtle_status.txt")
local tFile = fs.open("startup", "w")
local filecheck = fileGet
while filecheck == fileget do
local fileGet = http.get("https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/DROPBOX USER ID/turtle_status.txt")
Step five. Run startup on turtle/computer.
Known issues:
Will loop indefinitely. if you only want something to run once, replace program with a sleep command after saving the file.