Upgrading FTB Client and Server

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello again...

On the weekend I attempted to upgrade my client and sever to reflect the latest MOD updates and so that new friends who DL the client could join. This is Unleashed 1.1.3 which is currently running some older versions of mods because when 1.1.3 was released I had issues.

Here is how it went:

First I DL the client and did a force update. Then DL the server through the client. I have also wanted to run Traincraft which i also DL. I added the TC MOD to the mods tab in the launcher and added it to the servers MOD folder. I put the server pack in a new folder on my server and copied the world folder from my existing server folder. I started the server and it crashed. I took the TC Mod out of my client and server folder. Started the server and up it came but even though I could see my last death point the world was totally different. So I went back to my original server folder and just put in the Mods Folder from the one I had just created ( there were extra mods in the new folder) started the server and it crashed. So I put back the original folder and just changed the mods that the client wanted. This also resulted in a crash. In the end I put the server back to were it worked and put the older version of the mods back into the client and it all works although when the game loads it says that 2 mods have updates but these r not the mods that I was having issues with.

So now to my questions.

Is it possible to update the server with the new mods and keep my existing world? and if so how? Have i done something wrong?

Is it possible to have TC mod on the server. I am sure that the client is using forge 7.7.2
Latest Version

Also one of the crashes had an id:4039 (i think) Something about tiny TNT

I am running Win8 for client and ubuntu 13.4 for server both r 64bit.

Any help or link to a info would be appreciated.

Also nice work on the new web site looks great.
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