Unleashed observations

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Popular Member
Apr 25, 2013
Kearneysville, West Virginia
[1.1.3] Sludge buildup in the harvester seemed to cause the game to crash when I tried to right-click (open the gui) on ANY MFR machine, problem solved by void-piping the sludge.

[1.1.4] Thaumcraft warded stone blocks will not contain a wither. The wither doesn't actually destroy the blocks, but it moves through them as if it had.

Soul Shards seems to be real specific at the moment. I set my zombie shard on a zombie villager & my tier 5 (obtained by breaking regular zombie spawners) only seems to spawn zombie villagers. I tried this deliberately with the wither skeletons, & it works (set the shard on a wither skeleton, then go break skeleton spawners to get a wither skeleton tier 5 spawner).

Is there a lag problem with compact solars? I get a lot of yellow text in the log after I've been playing for a while. I'll have to remember to copy the relevant text next time I see it.

As always, any problems I encounter are probably already well known. The real question is, do I want the mod authors spending their time fixing the bugs in the release for 1.5, or do I want them updating their mods for 1.6?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I know most mod authors are focusing on 1.6.x
And alot of mod authors have stopped updating/bug fixing 1.5.x


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
On the warded block, this might be deliberate. The ender dragon flies right through obsidian without destroying it, so the wither might just completely ignore blocks it can't destroy.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ive tested the wither problem before in a creative test world. You'll notice the wither exiting a 1-block thick enclosure only from the corners. That's because the wither every time it breaks the warded block, the warded block is broken for perhaps just a 1/20th of a second before the warded block reappears again. The wither is constantly moving forward towards the corner as it breaks the block. From this point, there is a good chance the wither will break the block, before it can respawn, move into the block and then just fly out no problem.

The wither problem did not occur if the warded block enclosure was thicker than 3 blocks. Never tested 2.

Soul shards are meant to be specific I believe.

It takes a good while to update to 1.6.x, so the mod authors will be taking their time doing that. It's best to wait for them to go at their own pace. They are not obligated to patch the mod for you, they do this at their own leisure.


Popular Member
Apr 25, 2013
Kearneysville, West Virginia
My world was broken by a ticking chicken! Crashed at "downloading terrain" twice, tried creating new world, worked fine, tried switching back to my saved world, worked, but so far my aerial faith plates went missing (easy enough to replace), but everything else seems fine.

Found this: http://binarymage.com/wiki/doku.php?id=setup:memory It is a lot to key in without making typos (I can't paste into the additional java parameters field in the launcher), but it makes a world of difference.

Compact solars continues to spam the console even after I removed all the solar panels. I still don't know if this is a possible source of lag or not. It looks like I can't copy the console text directly, but would have to use pastebin to clip an example, maybe later.


Tech Support
Oct 30, 2012
The compact solars issue is from ic2 energy net being absolutely retarded in the version of ic2 used in 1.1.4. Ic2 seems to like to go full retard these days.
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