It's fairly simple. Depending on what's on the server, eventually I begin to crash with the following two errors (as detailed in the Error Screen and Error Report) the moment the screen begins to render anything related to the server. (This is to say, when the screen goes from 'Logging In' to actually displaying the game; Report.txt Screen.txt
Due to my client working normally the rest of the time - with literally no errors to speak of - I haven't posted my computers specifications, but I will do so if requested.
(Sorry for my first post being this but I've done some searches and they've not been helping! If I missed something, then again I apologise.) Report.txt Screen.txt
Due to my client working normally the rest of the time - with literally no errors to speak of - I haven't posted my computers specifications, but I will do so if requested.
(Sorry for my first post being this but I've done some searches and they've not been helping! If I missed something, then again I apologise.)