Twilight forest carminite reactor...

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Alex K.

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Okay so I was just searching around in the twilight forest and came across a place in the sky. I went inside, looted everything, and then something caught my eye. It was a block called a carminite reactor that had this message on the actual block: Warning: this block is a work in progress and may cause corruption to your world. Use with caution. If you know anything about these blocks, please tell me, Because im kinda scared right now :eek:.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It pretty much is what it says it is: a WIP block part of the Dark Tower updates.

When its finished, it will be a way to summon carminite ghastlings. I assume it will also do something else, or said ghastlings will become a source of carminite for creating vanishing blocks.
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