Turtle / Mining Well system - with portals!

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I recently saw direwolf20's mining system and I thought to myself : what if I need to travel there for maintenance? Oh no.. Hence I began working on my own mining system that activated a portal when the quarry was turned off ( remotely ), and it went out pretty well. *cough* *not user friendly* *cough*

for anyone interested in the code, here it is http://pastebin.com/tdzzXxmf. Its not really tidied up and explained well with comments but what that code does on a wireless mining turtle is it waits for a master control turtle to broadcast the rednet message "deploy portal". Following that the turtle deploys the portals, and sets the frequency of the portal to default gun + yellow colour.

As for the remote control, I used an ender chest hooked up to 2 autarchic gates that responds to a redstone signal ( lever ), either pulling the item out, or back in. This is really just a tedious replacement for wireless redstone since its still not updated :mad:. Since turtle.suck() returns a boolean value based on its success, its pretty straight forward.
As for my other mining turtles, its not really built to be user friendly like dw20's system, as you have to change the delay based on how long your wells take to reach the bottom. Furthermore I haven't implemented a system to add more turtles to deploy tesseracts easily, unless i hardcode the refueling of each turtle manually. The refueling mechanics are similiar to dw20's system too. ( ender chest filled with fuel ).
PS : Has anyone figured a way to refuel the wireless engineering turtles without the help of another turtle? I've been searching through for wrench-able "virtual" inventories all day, no luck still. o_O

ratchet freak

Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2012
item tesseract set to receive fuel on redstone high, place in front and "redstone.setOutput("front", true) sleep(0.5) redstone.setoutput("front",false)" then refuel all, then you can remove it again (if there was actually any fuel recieved)
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