OK! this is a really easy idea. Flying in minecraft is already there. All we need is a macros programmed. Or some other kind of Mod to enable a double tap for the space bar with the press and hold of a certian button. A timer that holds the flight for 7-10 seconds and another double tap to release the flight and fall back down again. Then some kind of timer that would not allow flight again for like a five second recharges. With this and the proper gun mod already in the game. And some cool PVP maps. We could have loads of fun! Anyone who has Played Tribes 2 or any Tribes game understands this Mod idea.
How about it?
I am certain I could program the macros for my Razor Nostromo myself. This would be for me only. It would be better to have a Mod for it to load in.
How about it?
I am certain I could program the macros for my Razor Nostromo myself. This would be for me only. It would be better to have a Mod for it to load in.