To Restart or not to Restart That is the question

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Well since Buildcraft is now out for 1.12.2 wondering if I should restart the world. Mostly this is me thinking to myself but is it worth it lol. It would be nice if simplretrogen was updated then could just retro BC stuff into the world. If Anyone knows how else i could do this let me know.


Jan 29, 2015
Well since Buildcraft is now out for 1.12.2 wondering if I should restart the world. Mostly this is me thinking to myself but is it worth it lol. It would be nice if simplretrogen was updated then could just retro BC stuff into the world. If Anyone knows how else i could do this let me know.
It kind of depends how far you've explored really; if you haven't gone too far, then you have a good chance of generating oil wells (assuming they are still a thing) in new chunks. I don't think it adds any other worldgen, does it?


Nah just the oil i believe but have explored pretty far looking for biomes and such. Was thinking about it though i could just use aroma world since i havent created my mining world yet. Pretty sure it should spawn there as well. Should be plenty of pockets of oil i would think.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Does COFH world generation still have a retrogen option? That should be available for 1.12. If you don't have it in the pack already, you could add it in, retrogen, then drop it without much hassle.


Hmm do you know how i would add that in for cofh to retrogen?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Actually, I'm not sure if oil wells are candidates for retrogen at all. I realized as I read your question that oil is different than most mod gen (read: ores). My apologies for not considering it earlier.

If you're still inclined to test it, the retrogen option should be in the config file for either COFH Core, World, or Foundation. I haven't played with those configs since things updated, so I'm not sure exactly where it is. I do know that you set it to true, it does its thing the next time it boots, and it turns itself off after it's done.


I actually thought about it for awhile. I decided not to add BC just yet. For one it doesnt really offer much that the mods currently in the pack does not have and since it just released im sure will be plenty of bugs. I may start a test world just to help find the bugs but other then that will play current world as is, then just make new world at future time.


Forum Addict
Jul 27, 2013
TE Oil seems to be OreDict with BC Oil. I just tossed it in and haven't explored too much east/west, so I can probably find newly genned chunks. Seems to behave well as far as I've tested.


what i do is delete chunks that don't really matter to me (i.e. mostly intact and these generated exploring) and let the game regen them to retrogen some stuff and also save disk space


Yea i already restarted but thats ok im trying to make this pack more interesting. Really looking for Immersive mods to give a reason to explore and other things. Of course it has the kitchen sink mods as well. Also am still trying to tweak recipes of some things and remove some recipes all together.Yea I think Just getting tired of the packs where ya end up doing same thing over and over. So added in some mods have never messed with before but still trying to get things straight. Its gettin there though.