Tinkers Help

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just a couple of questions to do with Tinkers Construct.
1. Manyullyn has a mining rate of 5, and Cobalt only 4. What is there that level 5 can mine that level 4 cannot?
2. If the only things that affect mining level, durability, and attack are the head and rod, then the binding and guards are useless other than giving traits, so you might as well use paper or something right?
3. Since mining level doesn't matter for the axe (and mostly the shovel) then cobalt is always better than Manyullyn for an axe?
4. What are the fletching and full guard patterns used for?
5. They say the only thing that affects mining level is the head, but the large plate does too right?

Thanks for the help


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1. Yes, manyullyn blocks. That's it.​
2. Yes.​
3. Yes. Except durability.​
4. Fletching is for arrows (arrowhead, fletching, tool rod), there are a number of different combos on the forums, or you can try yourself. Full guard are, I think for cutlass. It's not added to the book, but can be made.​
5. Umm, possibly. I think it might be set at the top of the 3, not sure how the higher tiers work.​
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