Timeout Connecting To Localhost

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A friend has traditionally run a server off his machine for a few of us with inferior machines to play on. Recently, he has had issues connecting to his own server, even though it is being hosted on the same machine. He is the only person who experiences issues with timeout, but on some occasions when he manages to log in, it boots other players (who can usually reconnect after).

Has anyone seen this before? It started happening midway through the 1.7 era and 1.10 era doesn't look better so far. I don't have his specs handy, so I'm more just looking for a place to start troubleshooting. All help appreciated.


Popular Member
Mar 3, 2015
I've seen a couple posts about it here before, not sure if a solution was found or not. Its probably worth some searching.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, the only post I've seen with anything close to a solution recommended reinstalling just about everything under the sun. For lack of better options, he's been doing that. Initial testing is promising, but I would love to know what the cause is. Seems odd that outside connections are fine but he can't connect to himself.