Timeout Connecting to Localhost

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Title Timeout Connecting to Localhost

Launcher Type FTB Launcher

Modpack Various

Modpack version

Have you modified the pack?

Link to log file

Details of the issue My friend has run a server off his computer for groups as large as a dozen of us in the past without much issue. The last few packs have started off alright, then as we get onto the swing of things, he loses the ability to log into the server. Whenever he tries, he times out. I can connect without issue, but he times out 90% of the time when logging in, even if there is nobody else connected.

The last pack we played like this was Regrowth with just he and I. His timeouts were occasional to begin, then constant as our world progresses. He booted up a 1.10 server today, and timed out trying to connect to it before anything has been loaded or placed. I can connect to it with minimal lag.

Any ideas what the hell is going on here? I don't have his specs handy, but I'm more intrigued as to why I can connect to his server, but he can't. All help appreciated.
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