Thousands of Errors and lag caused by my base :(

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi everyone!

So I played ftb on a very nice server, but my problem is.... my base got nuked xD months of work... anyhow the admin said my base cause thousands of errors and enormous frame drop at the base. everyones game get crashed, when they're coming to my base and finally the whole server wouldn't boot up xD :eek: I never crashed at my base, only sometimes when i got back to a portal guns portal... it's loop crash then, but after some trys i can reconnect.

I don't know what could cause this... So here some information about my base, what i built and so on
I had quite alot microblocks. It was a really huge amount. Everything in my base was microblocks. my base was like 50x80x40 blocks, hollow n the middle of course ^^ lot of glass microblocks, too. dunno if that caues lag or errors maybe...
I had one water-sourceblock going down like 40blcks from my base to the ground. My base is really high up.
I had a treefarm of forestry 2.0 set up with extradiemionsional barrels. everything else gets voided.
I had a tier5 creeper spawner, but it was of. there's no void pipe, but i saw no gunpowder on the ground. (Hm but I never really checked it from the near. i hope nobody left it on)
I had ~220 advnaced soalr panels, 2 hybrid and 6 ultimate, all with good cabling, so the energy doesn't "circle" or something. shortest way avauilable so to say ^^ 20 of them were filling 4 mfsus i placed in a circle or like a quadrat.
I had 2 medium-speed timers, but the filters attached to them had no work, since I had no quarry working (it's a sorting system). No other timers
I had a scrap-box setup with 2 igneous extruders, 2 overclocked recyclers, an autocraftingtable and item-tesseract. the matter fab, which got like 5000eu/t was filled reaaally slow with the scrap boxes, like 10 more boxes a day (real day) more than it needed. I set it up in a way, that they would stop producing, when the buffer chest is full. But it didnn't come to that point yet
I had 2 tanks, one with sodium, half-filled, one empty..., had 5 tesseracts, 2 water (send/receive), 2 scrapboxes and one for receiving lava, but no lava coming the most time.
What else... I had 20 prject tables with recipes in it, 20 filled safes, ~20 chests, like 25 eextradimensional barrels, quite fllled
I had 2 of each highes tier processing machines, like induciton furnace, singularity compressor and so on, on everytime with 4 overclockers, one alloy smelter
had an assembly table with 12 lasers, powere by 6 max upgraded e-engines, but off.
had 2 twilight portals, I amde one up in my base, when i came back from the twilight, another one was generated on the bottom of my base's area...
I had 42 thermal generators, but off.
No items spilling out anywhere (once I had a smoking diamond pipe, cause items of quarry were circling xD that dropped my frames to zero xD)
I had many gregtech machines, 2 industrial blast furnaces, ind. grinder, vacuum freezer, I had 6 ind. electrolyzers, 12 ind. centrifuges, 1 chemical reactor, all thermal expansion machines, powered by one fully upgraded e-engine (off), implosion compressor, destillation tower with incomplete casing. The multiblock amchines had autarchic gates checking all the time, if things are coming through te pipe. lately i added like 12 utarchic gates checking things all the tie to my base. maybe thats causing errors?
some smaller things, a chunk loader, soul forge, forge lexicon (block), train craftingtable, uncrafting table, 4 alloy furnaces an yeah this was just EVERYthing in my base and about my base. Nothing alse. What could cause this errors? That many adv. solar panels, the autarchic gates, acbling (alot ofcabling, but "good calbing", the huge amount of microblocks or what? One thing i forgot, I had like 8 villagers in my base.

thanks for reading this all and thx for everyone who's helping. I just don't wanne cause errors, lags and crashes on the new server too... Thanks!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
no, cause the place is nuked allready -.- Have no screenshots of it unfortunately (because for me it didn't crash that often) :/ I will ask the other guys who crashed at my place, but I don't believe they have one.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
hhmm, without a crash log its unlikely anyone will be able to provide you with a definitive answer. That being said, it sounds like the most likely explanation would be the server running out of memory due to a large number of items on the ground/pipes/tubes. You mentioned you had a spawner and a tree farm, its possible one of them over-produced and caused your problems. Maybe there was another undiscovered diamond pipe loop that had 10k items bouncing around in it. Redpower tubes are also capable of storing and bouncing around server crashing quantities of materials if not set up carefully.

Its also possible that the microblocks caused your lag, but i think this is less likely, and i've personally never seen this kind of lag occur, let alone crash a server


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
there was no other diamond pipe. Once a diamondpipe looped that many items I had literally zero fps. But lately I had just normal fps. It could be that the treefarm overproduced, cause it was powered with 16MJ/t I think(just a hybrid solar panel with fully upgraded e-engine. Had no biomass setup yet). The items were stored in extradimensional barrels (apples, logs, saplings, sand) and after this barrels I set up a void pipe so overproduction is just voided.
Maybe there was a problem with my scrapbox setup. I don't think that there was a loop, but I only checked for overflow of scrapboxes not for items loopin(golden pipes) or spilling on the ground. Could be that loads of coblestone were spilled on the ground but i can't imagine how cause when the recyclers are full with cobble, the igneous extruder, which was just set up above the recycler would stop generating cobble, right? and like i said, the scrapbox.generation could keep up with a very slightly advance. So I exclude this as well ^^
The last thing would be that someone left the spawner on. I used it only once several month ago ^^ that was enough gunpowder xD But I couldn't see items on the ground Maybe i had the rendering on tiny so the items werent rendered, hmhm.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
now I crashed on the new serer, too allready xD it's the mindcrack pack, newest version.

"allready tesselating!" is this the error? ^^ Maybe cause i'm building very chaotic. only minimalistic to get uu-matter as fast as possible in a few hours. there are not very much machines, buch like 70 machines and 3 multiblock ones at a veeery small plot. when i log in i have the "looks like an advanced machine block" bug on all that gregtech machines

edit: and now the server is down. It's not down very often. So what I am doing wrong xD

Booker The Geek

Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2013
Pacific North West, USA
Hello Marvin. (Kewl name, by the way...)

Hm... Can you please provide your console log from when you crashed? (Instructions are in my signature.)

Also, unrelated to the crash... Maybe change your install path to "C:\FTB\"


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Maybe ur right on that name :D But like from 1990-2009 that name, at least in GER, was terrible to have xD Now as an adult it's cool, didn't realized that until now ^^

whats the advantage of changing da path to c:\ftb\? I changed it to c:\spiele\ftb now...

I just took the crash log from the "crash-reports" file now:
Just didn't read the first lines of the log I pastebinned before damnit xD there are quite a lot more crash reports. Some of it should be showing the things which caused the problems. So I'm pasting like 3 of 'em ^^:

So this should help u to help me... i guess xD... hopefully :p thanks alot! (I hope none report is from a singleplayer world. But shouldn't)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
maybe the server just has too little ram. we updated to ultimate and the server sometimes even crashes when u go through portals, cause he has to olad that much at same time and everyone can just have one mystcraft world. ^^
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