TheCodyDimensions 2 {1.7.10}



This Is TheCodyDimensions 2
This mod-pack is based on the following features

Forge/FML by LexManos, cpw
Advanced Dispensers by Manitu
Ars Magica 2
Advanced Generators by bdew
Advanced Genetics Mod by ObsiLP
Advanced Machines by Immibis
Advanced Replusion Systems by immibis
Advanced Solar Panels by SeNtiMeL
AOBD 2 by ganymedes01
AppleCore by squeek502
Applied Energistics by AlgorithX2
Archimedes Ships by BalkondeurAlpha
ArmorStatusHUD by bspkrs
Aroma1997Core by Aroma1997
AromaBackup by Aroma1997
AsieLib by asie
Attachable Grinder by iChun
Auto Sapling by lemonszz
AutoSwitch by Thebombzen
Backpacks! by Brad16840
Baubles by Azanor
Bdlib by bdew
BedrockLayer by Kegare
Better Foliage by OctarineNoise
Better Storage by copygirl
Better Villages by jstorey97 & GotoLink
Better World Generation by ted80
BiblioCraft by Nuchaz
Big Reactors by Erogenous Beef
Bio Materials by F4113nb34st
Brain Stone Mod by BrainStone
bspkrsCore by bspkrs
Buildcraft by CovertJaguar, SirSengir, Krapht, cpw, spacetoad
CodeChickenCore by Chickenbones
CodeChickenLib by Chickenbones
CoFH Core by CoFH team
Compact Solars by cpw
ComputerCraft by dan200
Computronics by asie
CrystalWing by bspkrs
DamageIndicators by rich1051414
Deconstruction Table by bdkuhman
DenseOres by RWTema
Dynamic Crafting Systems by WingsOfLife
Ender Tech by Drayshak
Ender Utilities by masa_fi
EnetBridge by Player
Eureka by AEnterprise
Extra Cells by Leonelf
Extra Utilities by RWTema
ExtraPeripherals by pzyber
ExtraTiC by Glassmaker
FLORA by pixlepix
Fluxed Trinkets by jaredlll8
Food Plus Mod by JoseTheCrafter
Forge Multipart by Chickenbones
Gravitation Suite by SeNtiMeL
Greg's Lighting by Greg_Ewing
Hopper Ducts Mod by FyberOptic
Hunger In Peace by squeek502
Hydraulicraft by K4Unl
IC2 Backpack HUD by Mineshopper
IC2 Combo Armours by UnixRano
IC2 Tweaks by F4113nb34st
iChunUtil by iChun
Immibis Core by immibis
IndustrialCraft 2 by IC2 Dev Team
Intelligent Energistics by thatslch
Iridium Mod by DevilDead
IronChests by cpw
JABBA by ProfMobius
K4Lib by K4Unl
Liquid XP by immibis
LogisticsPipes by davboecki, AartBluestoke, ArtForz, GUIpsp, theZorro266
Mantle by mDiyo, progwml6
Minions By AtomicStryker
Mekanism by aidancbrady
MineFactory Reloaded by skyboy026, powercrystals
Modular Force Field System by Minalien, Imalune, Thunderdark, Matchlight
Natural Absorption by FatherToast
NEI Addons by bdew
NEI Integration by Tonius
NoMoreRecipeConflicts by stimmedcow/GoToLink
Not Enough Items by Chickenbones
Nuclear Control by shedar
PneumaticCraft by MineMaarten
Power Converters by samrg472, powercrystals
Professor Flaxbeard's Wondrous Steam Power Mod by Flaxbeard
QuarryPlus by yogpstop
Railcraft by CovertJaguar
Redstone Arsenal by TeamCoFH
RivalRebels By vertice
Simply Jetpacks by Tonius
Solar Expansion by TedTheRusSB624
Solar Flux by Nauktis
Super Massive Tech by tterrag
TelePads by senpaisubaraki
ThebombzenAPI by Thebombzen
Thermal Expansion by CoFH team
Thermal Foundation by TeamCoFH
Tinker's Construct by boni, mDiyo
ttCore by tterrag
Turbo by F4113nb34st
can't give link to pack as it won't let me post the link
But you can dm me on discord for the link
discord name:
Pro Taylor#7655

where to find this pack? this will only be on curseforge and mutliMC for now

Why would you want to play the pack?

because this mod-pack contains the best mods that FTB probaly does not know about into a a pack that will make minecraft crazy!

Ferris,Bjgamlol and VikkStar123 And NoShoot And Myself for Creating the mod-pack
Ajmckracken for contribulating the pack
Last but no least big thanks thanks to Noshoot for having a look at the mod-pack

ajgaming community
my discord
and VARADOX GAMING discord
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2016
Ok, this is a post of your modpack. I see a few issues though. We have no link or other way to know where to find it. It also mentions containing magic, but from a quick look through the modlist, you have included no major magic mods. Furthermore, you haven't said anything that could make someone say "Wow, this is different from other packs I've played" which means that it probably won't be very interesting. That is not to say it's not interesting, there is just nothing to show that it is. Would you mind telling us what inspired you to make this pack, and why we should play it?