Tesseract Not connecting to Pipes

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Heyo forums, I am trying to auto mate some biofuel production, and i am using sugar cane.

But I have run into a small issue. I want to use item tesseract and when ever i try to connect a pipe to it, the pipe connects for a second then disconnects from it.

It is connected to another tesseract in my base.
I am doing this in the DW20 pack.
If there is anything I forgot to add, please ask.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
we need to see how the other end is configure because this happens when there is no place for an item in the tesseract to go. Put a chest next to the other end and see if something pops out or if you have not placed the other end place it and then place a chest next to it..


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just asking as a check, but have you made sure that it is an item tesseract, not an energy or liquid?

Also, not your problem here, but you might want not to let the items freely choose between the tesseract and continuing down the line.

EDIT: nevermind, I forgot to refresh before posting...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
we need to see how the other end is configure because this happens when there is no place for an item in the tesseract to go. Put a chest next to the other end and see if something pops out or if you have not placed the other end place it and then place a chest next to it..
Here ya go.

and the setup


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just keep in mind in the future that Redpower generally only plays nice with one mod: Redpower. Nothing but Redpower blocks are able to output to Redpower tubes.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Actually, Item Tesseracts are very good at providing clean links between RP tubes and BC pipes; connecting RP -> BC is much easier with a Tesseract and BC -> RP remains the same.

Your problem was that you didn't attach a Relay to the exit point. RedPower tubes are designed never to let you directly insert items to a tube: they have to link two separate inventories together to do anything. BuildCraft pipes are much less fussy about direct insertion - the downside of that is they also are much less fussy about items exiting the network too.

As a rule I use BC pipes only in static systems that are guaranteed never to leak or need maintenance, or for Forestry/TE compatibility quirks. RP2 tubes are superior for literally every other purpose.

I got a bit off-topic here, sorry, but it's all useful info! :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Actually, Item Tesseracts are very good at providing clean links between RP tubes and BC pipes; connecting RP -> BC is much easier with a Tesseract and BC -> RP remains the same.

Your problem was that you didn't attach a Relay to the exit point. RedPower tubes are designed never to let you directly insert items to a tube: they have to link two separate inventories together to do anything. BuildCraft pipes are much less fussy about direct insertion - the downside of that is they also are much less fussy about items exiting the network too.

As a rule I use BC pipes only in static systems that are guaranteed never to leak or need maintenance, or for Forestry/TE compatibility quirks. RP2 tubes are superior for literally every other purpose.

I got a bit off-topic here, sorry, but it's all useful info! :)

what you meant is that relays are very good at providing clean links between RP tubes and BC pipes :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Not entirely, no. Tesseracts allow direct tube -> pipe transfer which is otherwise impossible. If you have a tesseract-based item transport system you'll end up using RP2 pipes as your main system and BC pipes as your auxillary because of this behaviour.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
relays are specifically designed to allow connection for things that can't connect directly to tube systems, seriously that's what it does. you have to use the relay because the tesseract only automatically pumps into inventories and bc pipes, of which rp tubes are neither.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Not entirely, no. Tesseracts allow direct tube -> pipe transfer which is otherwise impossible.

No, Relays allow direct pipe > tube transfer. Not the tesseract and definitely not the other way around. Relays are designed specifically for this, since there are a lot of blocks that can output to inventories or BC pipes. The relay is just a chest that automatically outputs to a RP tube and the tess just sees the relay as a chest it can output to.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm pretty sure he's talking about Tesseracts being used for direct Tube > Pipe transfers. We've already had the ability to hook a pipe to a relay, which outputs into a tube, but if you wanted to transfer something from a tube to a pipe, you had to have a chest and wooden pipe with an engine or autarchic gate. Now, if you're using a tube to output into a tesseract, you can have a pipe on the other end for the tesseract to automatically output to.

Sorta neat, but I don't know if the cost of two tesseracts is an advantage over using a chest and wooden pipe. Or why someone would need to transfer from an RP2 system to a BC system.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yes, this is what I'm referring to, I'm not sure why it's being misunderstood somehow. :)

I've had a use for it personally when hooking up an RP2 system to Forestry 2's Farms, as they don't like direct insertion from an RP2 tube much but work perfectly with BC pipes.