Teamspeak Groups

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I couldn't think of anywhere else for this to go and this is kinda about FTB so decided to put it in this category.

I've been on the FTB Teamspeak server for awhile now, not as long as a lot of ppl though, and have noticed some people seem to have tags for things they don't actually do. For example I've seen people with the tag Streamer even though they don't stream, sure they might have done a long time ago but haven't done so in a long time. I'm also curious about Streaming rooms as the only streaming rooms are public which can cause a issue as the rules say

Streaming in public rooms are allowed, however, you MUST have the tag "[Streaming]" next to your name at all times. Please note that you are not allowed to force anyone to leave and if you are asked by the other members of the public room to stop streaming, you must stop streaming, or move into the Public Stream Rooms.

This seems flawed as it means someone could be streaming and then a few people enter the room and interrupt/annoy the person streaming however the streamer cannot get them to leave as the rule says people are not allowed to force anyone to leave. The next bit can also cause issues, if a person is asked to stop streaming by other members in the room they must stop or move so basically if a public stream room has 3 ppl in it with 1 streaming and then a few other people join and ask the original streamer to stop streaming they have to stop or move even though they were there first. I might be taking the rule a little to serious but that's the way it reads, perhaps it could be rephrased or private streaming rooms added to the Teamspeak?

Private streaming rooms do exist on the Teamspeak however these seem to be for the big streamers, which I have no complaint over since they really do need their own streaming rooms, I just don't see why there can't be private streaming rooms that can be used by anyone who is a member or above but the difference would be the first member in the room has say whether they want people in there just like the rule for private rooms.

Going back to the private streaming rooms specifically for people and the tags that people have I've noticed some people have private streaming rooms but never seem to be on the server. I know 2 good friends of mine who have their own private rooms on the server but yet haven't been on in a long time. What would be nice is to set a time frame on these things, say for example a user has to be streaming content on a regular basis for 3 months to get the streamers tag then after 2 months they get their own private streaming room however if they do not use this room for 1 or 2 months then they loose it. If they stop streaming for several months then the streamer tag assigned to them is removed.

This will probably require more work from some people so I'm not sure if they will even consider doing this or even read this thread but I thought it was worth voicing my opinion on the matter.

I am not trying to tell you what to do and if it seems like I am I apologize I am merely suggesting things for the teamspeak server. I would also like to apologize for this long post.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've seen a few inactive rooms go away, Wyld's for instance. He was on another Teamspeak server for a long time, and in that time, his room was taken away, and he had to get a Media Tag. And it's not just streaming rooms, it's media rooms, this also includes YouTube. The reason for the Public Room thing is that it is a public room, that means everyone who does not break the server rules is allowed in it at all times. If this becomes a problem, talk to an admin. Honestly, if you are a streamer and you want a room, just ask for the media tag.