TE outofboundsexception error

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've looked all over the forums and have had no luck. Anyway my server which is running DW20 1.0.7 crashed with this error earlier and I'm at a bit of a loss on how to fix it. I have tried to use a backup world file and reinstall the mod pack with no luck. Any help would be appreciated.

Here is the full crash report:
"java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1
at thermalexpansion.part.conduit.item.ConduitItem.doRouteItem(ConduitItem.java:529)
at thermalexpansion.part.conduit.item.ConduitItem.routeItem(ConduitItem.java:518)
at thermalexpansion.part.conduit.item.ConduitItem.popStuffedItems(ConduitItem.java:460)
at thermalexpansion.part.conduit.item.ConduitItem.doOutput(ConduitItem.java:107)
at thermalexpansion.part.conduit.item.GridItem.doGridUpdate(GridItem.java:53)
at thermalexpansion.part.conduit.GridTickHandler.tickEnd(GridTickHandler.java:74)
at za.co.mcportcentral.SkipIntervalHandler.tickEnd(SkipIntervalHandler.java:38)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.tickEnd(FMLCommonHandler.java:141)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onPostServerTick(FMLCommonHandler.java:274)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p(MinecraftServer.java:829)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:675)
at net.minecraft.server.ThreadMinecraftServer.run(ThreadMinecraftServer.java:16)"


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I had something very similar:

Description: Exception in server tick loop

java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1
    at thermalexpansion.part.conduit.item.ConduitItem.doRouteItem(ConduitItem.java:529)
    at thermalexpansion.part.conduit.item.ConduitItem.routeItem(ConduitItem.java:518)
    at thermalexpansion.part.conduit.item.ConduitItem.popStuffedItems(ConduitItem.java:460)
    at thermalexpansion.part.conduit.item.ConduitItem.doOutput(ConduitItem.java:107)
    at thermalexpansion.part.conduit.item.GridItem.doGridUpdate(GridItem.java:53)
    at thermalexpansion.part.conduit.GridTickHandler.tickEnd(GridTickHandler.java:74)
    at cpw.mods.fml.common.SingleIntervalHandler.tickEnd(SingleIntervalHandler.java:34)
    at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.tickEnd(FMLCommonHandler.java:141)
    at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onPostServerTick(FMLCommonHandler.java:274)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p(MinecraftServer.java:622)
    at net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer.func_71217_p(IntegratedServer.java:129)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:484)
    at net.minecraft.server.ThreadMinecraftServer.run(SourceFile:583)

I was working with Impulse Itemducts when it crashed, I managed to fix it and get back into the world by using MCEdit to delete the Impulse Itemducts I was working with. Not sure what's the problem here, itemducts have been working fine for a while now and I use them a lot.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am getting the same problem too , it happened to me when I broke the chest that the duct was pulling out of and suddenly this. I hope this gets fixed


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have the same issue and its driving me nuts! I managed to get my world working by deleting the pipes and the broken inventory with mcedit.. but since the pipes alson don't seem to be routing properly I tested a lot so the error kept occuring.
My advice: don't use itemducts for the moment or if you have to always first brake the pipe before an Inventory that is attached to it.

There might also be other issues with it. At least in my case I couldn't really determine when things started to function. My guess is that the route discovery protocol takes a long time to know where to send items, also it seemed to help to toggle the whitelist/blacklist a few times (I installed servos on all item ducts, connected to an inventory, and told them to ignore any redstone signal, which should allow them to send / receiveve items..). But it acted very strange when trying to pull out items of a multifarm into barrels. Sometimes it worked, sometimes not. I hope they fix these issues because I really really like the pipe system of TE.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I just started having this problem as well. If anyone knows of a fix please tell me.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I host a DW20 1.0.7 server and have the same issue. This is how I got my server back online.

I stopped my server, deleted TE, started my server and logged in, stopped my server re-installed TE then started it back.
This removes all TE items INCLUDING tin, silver, copper, etc. etc. It even takes it out of world gen but when you start the server back the world gen resets and you will see random ores in stone you placed before.

This was an easy fix to ensure I didn't lose my world.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I found a workaround that can save your world if you are running with a dedicated server.
  • Start the world with MCPC (so start the mcpc jar not the default jar), this will generate the same crash (upon loading the chunk (logging in with a player there))
  • edit mcpc.yml in the the root folder, and go look for
  thermalexpansion-part-conduit-GridTickHandler: 1

  • update 1 to 10000 and restart the server, within the 10000/20 = 500 seconds you have delete the offending pipe (the last pipe placed before the server started crashing, usually close to a chest if I read the reports right)
  • stop the server
  • edit mcpc.yml, and go look for
  thermalexpansion-part-conduit-GridTickHandler: 10000
  • update 10000 back to 1
  • restart your server and enjoy.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've had this on 2 worlds now, both on my dedicated server. I copied the latest world to my PC and it crashes out single player totally. If needed I can provide the full world folder if needed, also the full crash log from my SP attempt at loading the world:


If you want me to post the MP crash logs I can get them, but I'm not sure which conduit is causing the issue as I was not on the server when it crashed.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Also having this crash, not very keen on killing TE completely and loosing all items...

Running the DireWolf20 pack, for 1.6.4, tried both 1.0.7 (recommended) and the now available 1.0.8 with the same outcome, crash logs included.

The server instantly crashed when an itemduct that was "stuffed" was removed from the world, when restarting the world we see the world start up, and then crash as the first tick triggers.

1.0.7 crash log
1.0.8 crash log


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
True, but with big maps on servers it is not always possible (no gui) and transferring the files (huge) is also not very feasible in all cases.

Removing the offending pipe does solve this problem. So either way, with the MCPC server or MCEdit you can maintain your world including TE3 items and ores by removing the backupped pipe.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
True, but with big maps on servers it is not always possible (no gui) and transferring the files (huge) is also not very feasible in all cases.

Removing the offending pipe does solve this problem. So either way, with the MCPC server or MCEdit you can maintain your world including TE3 items and ores by removing the backupped pipe.

I tried this on my world, the server still fell over after I removed all the item conduits that I could find around me, I've had to restart the world again, and I've let the people know on the server to not use item conduits until a fix can be found.

I'm wondering if the issue is down to the conduits being in a chunk that is getting unloaded with items travelling though them at the time the chunk is unloaded, and then when that chunk is reloaded the conduit's forget what they should be doing.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If all you want to do is remove a conduit block from world, you can use MCEdit for that

I can use MCEdit, problem is it doesn't play well with the world in general (I could be doing something horribly wrong for all I know, I've not played much with MCEdit).
When I load up my world, it mixes in my stuff with the original seed world gen, so I removed a hill and built there, now I have half my buildings and half the hill there, (The hill is where the block I need to remove is mind you), and I fear a save now will leave the hill and destroy some stuff.

So turns our my server is replacing the entire chunk with the problem item and putting in the original worldgen there, not sure how/why or what option is doing so, it's an interesting mechanic but I'd like a bit more control over it if that is the case.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm wondering if the issue is down to the conduits being in a chunk that is getting unloaded with items travelling though them at the time the chunk is unloaded, and then when that chunk is reloaded the conduit's forget what they should be doing.

Nope, When a pipe is in output mode it has an inventory, when it in any other mode it doesn't. They just forgot to deal with the case where a stuffed pipe suddenly loses its input, thus has an item, but no inventory to access.

They fix this in the latest version of TE, but until the packs update we're stuck with this problem.