TE machines & inventory configuration

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OK, I've used TE machines for a while now and I still don't get how this inventory colour coding stuff works. Am I just incredibly stupid (no need to answer that one folks..) or does it not make any sense at all?

I've got a pulveriser set up to cook up some obby and a smelter to its right side to take the obby dust and mix it with lead for glass. I've got the right side in the pul set to red, because it's sending it to its right side, but it doesn't matter how many different buttons I press in the smelter, I cannot configure it to red to accept the dust. The dust just sits there in the pulveriser. I have this problem every single time I use anything TE that has these slots. You match the colours as you would do logically depending on which side the machine is you want to transfer to/from, but nothing happens. The only way I can ever get them to work is randomly pressing all the buttons in frustration until eventually the dust disappears and appears in the machine I want it to. For the example on the current set up above, the right side is showing a red and yellow split in the output slot, but the smelter is showing to receive on green! and for reasons beyond my understanding, the dust is now transferring just fine against all odds.

I get the same problem if I put the pul above the smelter. The output is set to red so I try to make the top slot red on the smelter to match as it's coming from above, but it doesn't work.

Is there some idiots guide on how to configure these things? :D I find routers are easier to get working properly than these!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Blue or green is the input. I usually put the smelter to the left off the pulverizer. I make with one of each with a couple hoppers above for each different ore. orange is Both outs from the pulvi Red is the bonus one and i think Yellow is the primary ore out.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OK, I've used TE machines for a while now and I still don't get how this inventory colour coding stuff works. Am I just incredibly stupid (no need to answer that one folks..) or does it not make any sense at all?

I've got a pulveriser set up to cook up some obby and a smelter to its right side to take the obby dust and mix it with lead for glass. I've got the right side in the pul set to red, because it's sending it to its right side, but it doesn't matter how many different buttons I press in the smelter, I cannot configure it to red to accept the dust. The dust just sits there in the pulveriser. I have this problem every single time I use anything TE that has these slots. You match the colours as you would do logically depending on which side the machine is you want to transfer to/from, but nothing happens. The only way I can ever get them to work is randomly pressing all the buttons in frustration until eventually the dust disappears and appears in the machine I want it to. For the example on the current set up above, the right side is showing a red and yellow split in the output slot, but the smelter is showing to receive on green! and for reasons beyond my understanding, the dust is now transferring just fine against all odds.

I get the same problem if I put the pul above the smelter. The output is set to red so I try to make the top slot red on the smelter to match as it's coming from above, but it doesn't work.

Is there some idiots guide on how to configure these things? :D I find routers are easier to get working properly than these!

To get a better feeling for this:
Set all sides to blank. Note that on the main GUI all the slots aren't colored anymore. Now cycle one of the sides through all available colors and watch, which of the slots on the main GUI light up.

Example: (Done from the top of my head, so small errors are possible:)
The Pulverizer:
Blue: The input lights up in blue. This means, that you can automatically input from all sides, that you have configured as blue. For the pulverizer often the top is colored blue, so that a hopper can feed it.
Red: The top output slot lights up in red. This means, that the main product will be spit out through the red side (for iron ore, this would be iron dust).
Yellow: The bottom output slot lights up in yellow. This means, that the secondary product will bit spit out through the yellow side (for iron ore, this would be ferrous dust).
Orange: Both output slots light up in orange. This means, that both the main and the secondary output will be spit out through the orange side (orange=red+yellow).

In your example you could set the blue slot to the top and the red slot to the right side, so it can accept obsidian from the top (e.g. via hopper or pipes/tubes) and will output the obsidian dust to the right.

Now the induction smelter:
The smelter has two input slots, colored purple and green, so if you want to automatically input into it, you have to color the input sides to these two colors. The output colors are red and yellow, like with the pulverizer.

In your example you could set the green color to the left (so the obsidian dust will be put into the green slot) and the purple color to the top (where a hopper, pipe or tube will input lead). Then put red to the right side and place a chest there, so it will be auto-filled with the completed hardened glass. Instead of the chest you could place a relay from RP2 to input into a tube network.

Edit: The main error you seem to have: The machines don't have color coded frequencies, through which they communicate. Each machine stands for itself, so don't try to match colors, just configure each machines input and output according to the relative position of their interaction with the outside world.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Right, I see. Thanks - esp you Mil. I see the problem now - I was thinking of them as matching the colours up, so red for the right side on the pul and red for the left side on the smelter, to 'mate' the sides together, but I now see that each machine's colours actually in fact relate the various slots on them - green and blue for the inputs and yellow and red for the outputs. So for outputs, I decide which side to spit out to by configuring red and/or yellow on the respective side, and same idea for the green/blue inputs. Right, makes sense now. It's not particularly intuitive if you haven't used them before though, imho. I now have my pulv and smelter 'talking' to each other okay now and same for my magma thingy and transposer.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Do you have a fear of words with more than two syllables or what? Obby, pul/pulv, esp, magma "thingy". Jesus Christ, Marie.