TE: getting started

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey guys, i was wondering if anyone had a list of the items needed to get started in TE. ie, the items needed to make the Pulverizer, Powered Furnace, Aqueous Accumulator, and the Steam Engine. I would do it currently but i am at my work during a slow period and i dont have the time to do it. thanks in advance :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
erm...why not just use nei recipe mode when you're playing? it's not very complicated.

joseff amador

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Use the already-installed NEI (Not enough Items)

It's an in-game list of all the items in the game, and if you click on an item it shows you the recipe. You can also hover the mouse over an item and push R to see the recipe. Additionally, you can hover your mouse over an item and push U to see what recipes, if any, that item is used in.

Further, NEI has a search box at the bottom.

To see NEI, push "O" to toggle it on/off.

If you can't see NEI for some reason, I think you need to change your GUI scale to something other than "auto".