So, today I logged in to find out that my base is completely out of power. To be short - some asshole connected to my quarry tesseract and just trashcanned all the power (I'm pretty sure it was trashcanned because it was taking 50 kRf/t - the limit of my double vibrant capacitor). Right now I'm waiting for mod to help me to track that asshole and I'm looking for a way to punish it.
Server is using RedProtect, mob griefing is off, fire spreading is off, TNT, industrial TNT, nuke and mining lasers are banned. The modpack is Infinity Evolved Normal.
Right now I'm thinking of these things:
Primal wand focus
Mana charge
Mana pistol with certain lense
Liquid ender flooding
Witchery poppets
Waiting for your ideas.
Server is using RedProtect, mob griefing is off, fire spreading is off, TNT, industrial TNT, nuke and mining lasers are banned. The modpack is Infinity Evolved Normal.
Right now I'm thinking of these things:
Primal wand focus
Mana charge
Mana pistol with certain lense
Liquid ender flooding
Witchery poppets
Waiting for your ideas.