Title Stuck on Loading World Screen in SkyFactory
Launcher Type
Modpack Sky Factory
Modpack version 3.0.15
Have you modified the pack? No
Link to log file http://paste.feed-the-beast.com/view/0750c023
Details of the issue Every time I try to open my world, the game gets stuck on the "Loading world" screen and will not progress further (I left it running for 20 minutes earlier and it didn't move past the screen). I tried using the backup of the game, but that also does not work.
Launcher Type
Modpack Sky Factory
Modpack version 3.0.15
Have you modified the pack? No
Link to log file http://paste.feed-the-beast.com/view/0750c023
Details of the issue Every time I try to open my world, the game gets stuck on the "Loading world" screen and will not progress further (I left it running for 20 minutes earlier and it didn't move past the screen). I tried using the backup of the game, but that also does not work.
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