Title Stuck on Loading World in Direwolf20
Launcher Type Twitch Desktop App
Modpack Direwolf20
Modpack version 1.12
Have you modified the pack? Yes
Link to log file http://paste.feed-the-beast.com/view/a03361e7
Details of the issue Hello.I woke up this morning and wanted to play, I starded minecraft with the direwolf20 modpack (to mention that i added a couple of mods to it, but i didn't have any problems until now), but when i clicked on the survival world, the loading screen would appear and it would get stuck on load "Loadin world; building terrain".First i tried to wait, but it didn't solve anything.Then i have to alt f4 from that,because it did't close.Then, when i started up minecraft again and tried to start my creative world, it would start without any problem.Please help me get this problem fixed asap.Thank you.(P.S sometimes after i force closed minecraft it said it was a game crash.)
Launcher Type Twitch Desktop App
Modpack Direwolf20
Modpack version 1.12
Have you modified the pack? Yes
Link to log file http://paste.feed-the-beast.com/view/a03361e7
Details of the issue Hello.I woke up this morning and wanted to play, I starded minecraft with the direwolf20 modpack (to mention that i added a couple of mods to it, but i didn't have any problems until now), but when i clicked on the survival world, the loading screen would appear and it would get stuck on load "Loadin world; building terrain".First i tried to wait, but it didn't solve anything.Then i have to alt f4 from that,because it did't close.Then, when i started up minecraft again and tried to start my creative world, it would start without any problem.Please help me get this problem fixed asap.Thank you.(P.S sometimes after i force closed minecraft it said it was a game crash.)
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