Storage help

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Popular Member
Mar 5, 2016
Hey all. A bunch of you were a real help before, so let's see if you got it in ya again :p

I'm building the most ridiculous automatic item sorter. It currently supports up to 1368 different items sorted into 38 obsidian chests. The problem is, I want to keep a nearly infinite supply of the primary building blocks, and the obsidian chests can only hold so much.

Now, my initial solution was to build vanilla silos behind the wall that the sorter can pipe those items into, trickling down into the obsidian chest, but I'm wondering if there's a better option in a mod somewhere. I do have Jabba and I saw that those barrels can be upgraded to hold tons of stacks of the same item, but I'm not sure the costs of upgrading are anywhere near worth the hassle (correct me if I'm wrong, though. I'm basing this off of how I'm interpreting the upgrades on the Wiki).

So, I don't necessarily need it to look pretty because I can hind something behind a wall, but does anyone know a good mod that I could add that makes mass storage of individual blocks a little easier to work with?

Edit: Must be compatible with buildcraft pipes
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Always difficult to say without knowing which mods you have installed.
Like if you have Minefactory Reloaded I would say the deep storage unit it is (holds 2 billion items of a single item'type).
Jabba alone can hold up to half a million if fully upgraded with storage'upgrades (though you need 4 diamonds and 4 emeralds to upgrade the structure of the barrel, which can be quiet costly depending on how many barrels you have to upgrade).
I think some mods add a higher structure-limit of Jabba, but I'm not sure which ones or if you have to change configs or so for this.

Then of course there is Applied Energistic with it's 64K cells, I don't know how many items that actually are, but quiet alot. (still can be quiet costly to craft them if you use one 64k cell per item'type).

So really difficult to answer without knowing the mods you have avaible for use :)

If you actually plan to add a mod for this purpose only, I would say go for minefactory reloaded. Cause the deep storage unit is probably the most cost-efficient block for holding incredibly amounts of a single item'type.
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Popular Member
Mar 5, 2016
My modpack is custom and ever evolving, I don't even remember all of them, lol. But basically, what I'm asking is what mod I could add if I didn't have it already, so it shouldn't matter. It's based mostly on buildcraft, though.

Looking at Jabba again, I may have overestimated the pain in the ass factor. I would still argue it takes far more pistons and wood than it should, but with the way I'm set up, it really shouldn't be THAT hard to gather everything up. I believe I need this for, I wanna say, 9 chests, but I suppose not every one of them needs to be upgraded to the max. 1 81x upgrade should hold 5184 stacks if I'm reading and mathing right here. That should be enough. I'm going to have to cut down an entire redwood forest, lol, but it should do the trick.

Now, that 81x upgrade, does that just fit in one upgrade slot on Jabba? Or do I need the maxed out upgrade slot to put the 81x upgrade into it?

Edit: it's the latter, NM. I totally get it now. I believe this is the route I will take. Thank you!
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Popular Member
Mar 5, 2016

Now THAT is how storage is done! :)

Skip to 1:42 to watch the sorter in action. That's as compact as I can get it. IT ends up using equal parts cobblestone, stone and quartz so they can be as close together as possible. It will sort up to 36 unique item IDs into 36 chests and it's mesmerizing!

(The massive chamber behind the glass in the same room is 3 consecutive slime chunks in one big mob grinder)

Sorry if videos aren't kosher here, I don't know what the rule is, but I worked on this baby for a long time and wanted to show it off :p I am not, like fishing for clicks for my channel or anything. I just record them to show to friends and family.
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