Steam Boiler Help

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I was wondering what would be better overall like a low pressure one, high pressure, liquid or solid fueled etc. Thanks! NOTE*I am using it for charging IC2 drills, thermal expansion stuff, and some other low end stuff


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Low pressure should be fine.

Liquid vs Solid should be decided by fuel type availability/deliverability.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Low pressure and High pressures have the same Steam to fuel ratio but the HP is double input and output so if you need more steam that the way to goes. The HP also have to reach twice as hot so keep that in mind. Liquid fireboxes uses any liquid fuels expect lava and the solid is any solid fuels and lava buckets or containers. So it's your call depending what you got. If there Oil around and you refines it you can liquid firebox for a good MJ steam output but you'll need about 30 buckets of fuel before it's running at decent heat. You'll need to makes the boiler at least 18 tanks big for it to equal a combustion engines bigger one will give you more MJ/bucket than a combustion.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Depends on what you need.

If you want a quick source of steam power, go LP Boilers. They don't take much to bring up to fully operational status and it provides a good amount of power for the amount of work you put into creating it.
If you're planning to go all-out insane and supply substantial amounts of both Buildcraft MJs and IC2 EU, then you definitely want to start an HP Boiler. LP Boilers are nice and all, but they just fall short when you want to squeeze out as much steam possible. Just be warned that HP Boilers take forever to get to full power and you'll need an insane amount of fuel.

At the moment, I use an HP Boiler to run 5 Industrial Steam Engines to keep all my Buildcraft goodies juiced up, and a Steam Turbine providing power to two MFSUs. One is dedicated to UUM production, the other is for the chargepad and manual processing. Trying to run that with an LP Boiler just didn't cut it, and adding 2 more Industrial Steam Engines would start emptying the steam out of the boiler.
But that was back when Tesseracts didn't exist and I had to manually charge and swap Energy Cells for my Quarry. That just drained lots of power out of my Buildcraft power supply.

From what you're doing though, an LP Boiler should work just fine.