Starting a server

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm looking to get into a ftb server. I've ran a very basic minecraft server before so I know a tiny bit. Stock minecraft gets boring and want something more.

I had a host that had a 1 click install plugin type setup(still had to do the config files on my own) looking for recommendations on a similar host thats is noob friendly.

I tried to install a custom modpack on a server before(one that requires a code) but couldn't get it to work so I think I'd be better going for one of the hosts that setups one of the more popular modpacks for you would be best for me, what are some good hosts?

Plugins, hopefully a host that does the one click install plugins. Im looking for a plugin that basically stops any grief. I want to be able to allow anyone to join my server without having to worry about them grieifing it. A plugin that stops all blocks from being destroyed that are placed by players is a MUST. None of those cheesy ones that you place a certain block and a set area is protected around that block. One that actually rememembers EACH block placed is a must for me(and protects doors ect.)

I'm not really sure what modpack to go for.I had a modpack I was really interested in but couldn't get it to work on a server host(it was not one of the popular ones). I don't want to stray too far from stock minecraft but at the same time I'm interested in:

Most of the mods included in crash landing mods
Biomes a plenty
Jetpack type mod
Mod that makes combat more interesting(main thing I hate about stock is boring combat, add more structures boss battles ect.)
Mod that makes it so you cant constantly eat the same food
So if you could recommended a modpack that meets most of that, would be great for me.

Thanks for any input.


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2013
To run plugins with a server you need to install kCauldron and use that to launch the server. Stopping all griefing is a very difficult task as most plugins are not made to support mods. The protection that comes with FTBU is good but last time it tried it, there were some items that could bypass it. Another good mod to protect area is MyTown2.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm just going to put this out there, but managing a public modded server is a huge pain in the behind, even small ones, and it isn't all it's cracked up to be. It's better to just make it private. It'll be more fun for both you and the players.
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