Specifiek chunk causes lag, only when its loaded.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Small view of the problem:
Specifiek chunck gives lag over the whole server, when its unloaded there is no lag, any solution?

Whole story:
Since our server has been updated from the last patch mindcrack pack, now v.7 and 1.4.6, we have problems with one specifiek chunk.

If this chunk is unloaded there is no lag on the server, no problems with connections or anyphing. When there is a player around the specifiek chunck so it will load, there causes lag. Nophing wont be loaded and we have the following problems:
- blocks can be broken but won't give a minimized block with u can pickup
- blocks who where on the ground before the chunk was loaded can't be picked up either when the chunk gets loaded
- Other chuncks wont be loaded
- People who connect after the specifiek chunk is loaded stays on 1/6 ping rate (with u can view in the player list)
and a lot of issues.

We have tried to delete the end, nether and twilight but this wasn't working.
The chunks uses all the memory of the server to load 'something' whitch we dont know what.

If there is any way to fix this, we would love to hear that. Since one player has been logged out in the chunk and lifes in the chunck that causes lag we really want to fix this problem. He can't get out of the chunk cause when he logs in it gives lag.
Thanks for your patience, Duckieh


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have exactly the same problem. It's so ridiculous, there is literally no reason for the chink lag since it was ok at one point, and I have no idea what could of caused this...
Me and my friend live 20 blocks apart, he can play safely, and server's cpu will be around 12-20%, but if I go to my house it loads the corrupted chunk and server CPU usage skyrockets to 100%. Need to destroy block 20 times for it to actually drop.. Also when you go near the corrupted chink game starts acting like a dick, and lagspikes literally all the time, I need to pray and every 5 seconds I can move one block to any direction. That territory used to be habitable, there is a village in it I have demolished before when everything worked fine.

Please someone, help.
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