(crap, after posting this I realized this may not be the proper subforum. if that's the case would someone mind moving this?)
I figured this probably doesn't belong in tech support so much as I'm probably missing something stupidly obvious.
Right so I'm trying to use the smallest size (3x3x4) of multi farm in my SSP world, where the only modification I've made is to extrabiomesxl's config (more snow, fewer redwoods, didn't realize by removing the mod's desert mountains deserts are now insanely rare, etc...)
First I learned that the farms get confused if you, say, try to incorporate them into the roof of an all-stone brick building (IE, the roof of the building was meant to be the farmland base with the bottom of the farm structure itself poking down so I could power it and get its goodies). So, I uglyfied my roof to make it work as a temporary aesthetic solution.
Second...well, I haven't learned anything from this problem. After it laid down the soil (note the thing is managed, set to Peat north, Trees south, mushrooms west, wheat east), it basically just stopped. The only thing it would do at that point was just collect the peat as the bog earth turned into it. Obviously the thing's powered (electrical engine, iron and tin electron tube circuit board), it has apatite fertilizer, all the germlings are loaded, all the soil is down, and it's hydrated.
Seeing that it was stuck on the peat (and supremely annoyed), I cheated in a second intricate circuit board and tubes, and resoldered it, set to Mushrooms North and West, Wheat East, Trees south. This time, after I removed the bog earth, it placed the mycelium, it planted only some of the wheat seeds, and some of the trees. So...basically the planting isn't working but harvesting is fine.
I honestly do not get the problem. The only time I've used multi-farms before was in a slightly earlier mindcrack build, set to default all-arboretum configuration, and that worked TOO well (IE, more wood than anyone would ever ever need). Has anyone had similar problems in this modpack version?
I figured this probably doesn't belong in tech support so much as I'm probably missing something stupidly obvious.
Right so I'm trying to use the smallest size (3x3x4) of multi farm in my SSP world, where the only modification I've made is to extrabiomesxl's config (more snow, fewer redwoods, didn't realize by removing the mod's desert mountains deserts are now insanely rare, etc...)
First I learned that the farms get confused if you, say, try to incorporate them into the roof of an all-stone brick building (IE, the roof of the building was meant to be the farmland base with the bottom of the farm structure itself poking down so I could power it and get its goodies). So, I uglyfied my roof to make it work as a temporary aesthetic solution.
Second...well, I haven't learned anything from this problem. After it laid down the soil (note the thing is managed, set to Peat north, Trees south, mushrooms west, wheat east), it basically just stopped. The only thing it would do at that point was just collect the peat as the bog earth turned into it. Obviously the thing's powered (electrical engine, iron and tin electron tube circuit board), it has apatite fertilizer, all the germlings are loaded, all the soil is down, and it's hydrated.
Seeing that it was stuck on the peat (and supremely annoyed), I cheated in a second intricate circuit board and tubes, and resoldered it, set to Mushrooms North and West, Wheat East, Trees south. This time, after I removed the bog earth, it placed the mycelium, it planted only some of the wheat seeds, and some of the trees. So...basically the planting isn't working but harvesting is fine.
I honestly do not get the problem. The only time I've used multi-farms before was in a slightly earlier mindcrack build, set to default all-arboretum configuration, and that worked TOO well (IE, more wood than anyone would ever ever need). Has anyone had similar problems in this modpack version?