Title Skyfactory launch issue 3
Launcher Type FTB Launcher
Modpack Skyfactory
Modpack version Skyfactory 3
Have you modified the pack? No
Link to log file
Details of the issue Hello,
I have a problem with launching the modpack "skyfactory 3". But being French and not good at IT, I do not understand what does not work. Here is a copy of the log and errors when I run the mod.
Can someone help me?
Ps: I'm sorry for the poverty of my English, I use an automatic translation server.
J'ai un soucis pour lancer le modpack "skyfactory 3". Mais étant français et assez nul en informatique, je ne comprend pas ce qui ne fonctionne pas. Voici une copie du log et des erreurs lorsque je lance le mod.
Quelqu'un peut-il m'aider ?
Ps : Je suis désolé de la pauvreté de mon anglais, j'utilise un serveur automatique de traduction.
Logging in...
Beginning authlib authentication attempt
successfully created YggdrasilAuthenticationService
Login complete.
Checking local assets file, for MC version1.10.2 Please wait!
Using backupLink for mcjsons/versions/1.10.2/1.10.2.json
Setting up native libraries for FTB Presents Skyfactory 3 v Recommended Version MC 1.10.2
Syncing Assets:
Not loading any FML libs, as the directory does not exist.
Java Path: C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_151\bin\javaw.exe
Pack: FTB Presents Skyfactory 3 1.10.2
Setting MinMemory to 256
Setting MaxMemory to 1536
Defaulting PermSize to 256m
Error Contacting tracking server: java.net.UnknownHostException: stats.feed-the-beast.com
Loading jars...
Added URL to classpath: file:/C:/FTBPresentsSkyfactory3/instMods/MinecraftForge.zip
Added URL to classpath: file:/C:/FTBPresentsSkyfactory3/minecraft/bin/minecraft.jar
Loading natives...
Natives loaded...
Loading minecraft class
nov. 16, 2017 7:27:08 PM net.ftb.legacylaunch.Launch main
GRAVE: Unhandled error launching minecraft
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net.minecraft.client.Minecraft
at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at net.ftb.legacylaunch.Launch.main(Launch.java:85)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option PermSize=256m; support was removed in 8.0
Error while checking news: launcher.feed-the-beast.com
Launcher Type FTB Launcher
Modpack Skyfactory
Modpack version Skyfactory 3
Have you modified the pack? No
Link to log file
Details of the issue Hello,
I have a problem with launching the modpack "skyfactory 3". But being French and not good at IT, I do not understand what does not work. Here is a copy of the log and errors when I run the mod.
Can someone help me?
Ps: I'm sorry for the poverty of my English, I use an automatic translation server.
J'ai un soucis pour lancer le modpack "skyfactory 3". Mais étant français et assez nul en informatique, je ne comprend pas ce qui ne fonctionne pas. Voici une copie du log et des erreurs lorsque je lance le mod.
Quelqu'un peut-il m'aider ?
Ps : Je suis désolé de la pauvreté de mon anglais, j'utilise un serveur automatique de traduction.
Logging in...
Beginning authlib authentication attempt
successfully created YggdrasilAuthenticationService
Login complete.
Checking local assets file, for MC version1.10.2 Please wait!
Using backupLink for mcjsons/versions/1.10.2/1.10.2.json
Setting up native libraries for FTB Presents Skyfactory 3 v Recommended Version MC 1.10.2
Syncing Assets:
Not loading any FML libs, as the directory does not exist.
Java Path: C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_151\bin\javaw.exe
Pack: FTB Presents Skyfactory 3 1.10.2
Setting MinMemory to 256
Setting MaxMemory to 1536
Defaulting PermSize to 256m
Error Contacting tracking server: java.net.UnknownHostException: stats.feed-the-beast.com
Loading jars...
Added URL to classpath: file:/C:/FTBPresentsSkyfactory3/instMods/MinecraftForge.zip
Added URL to classpath: file:/C:/FTBPresentsSkyfactory3/minecraft/bin/minecraft.jar
Loading natives...
Natives loaded...
Loading minecraft class
nov. 16, 2017 7:27:08 PM net.ftb.legacylaunch.Launch main
GRAVE: Unhandled error launching minecraft
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net.minecraft.client.Minecraft
at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at net.ftb.legacylaunch.Launch.main(Launch.java:85)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option PermSize=256m; support was removed in 8.0
Error while checking news: launcher.feed-the-beast.com
Last edited by a moderator: