Skyfactory 2.5 - ComputerCraft Wireless Modems

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Hello all,

So I'm trying to get a couple of wireless modems to talk to each other, but no matter what I do, they refuse to connect. I've tried to transmit messages from one wireless modem to another on the same channels, but nothing's displayed. Am I missing a command somewhere, or is there something else going on with Skyfactory that prevents modems from working?

I basically do the following:
1) Open Lua in both an advanced turtle and an advanced computer
2) Wrap the modems on both with peripheral.wrap ("modem = peripheral.wrap("right")")
3) Type "" on both
4) Type "modem.transmit(1,1,"YES")" on the computer

I've also tried putting ""right")" before each with no effect. They're 6 blocksapart, so distance isn't the factor.