Title Sky Factory 2.5 Crashing when opening SP world
Launcher Type Curse App
Modpack Sky Factory 2.5
Modpack version
Have you modified the pack? Yes
Link to log file
Details of the issue After closing the game and trying to reopen it few hours later
I'm getting this: http: //pastebin. com/49xVPWrU
I can't find the reason why its crashing
Got rid of Pam's Harvest Craft is the only thing I modified.
Launcher Type Curse App
Modpack Sky Factory 2.5
Modpack version
Have you modified the pack? Yes
Link to log file
Details of the issue After closing the game and trying to reopen it few hours later
I'm getting this: http: //pastebin. com/49xVPWrU
I can't find the reason why its crashing
Got rid of Pam's Harvest Craft is the only thing I modified.