Hello all!
Long-time lurker, 1st time poster! (so be nice! lol)
Been playing with FTB DW20 V4 SSP for a while now, and I came up with (what i believe) to be a very easy packaging system that should would for most RP sorting system setups. So here is my original design (If it has already been done before, i'm sorry) for a simple packager system.....
Back in the day, I had a packager for each item I wanted packaged, but became stupid after i had 10+ packagers, filters, and sorting machines, one fore each item. This became even more agrivating when i started running into some ores that could have different ID values, so i'd have to set up 2 machines for 1 ore (Copper, Tin, Silver). The design I created allows all of that to be compacted into a 3x1x3 area, and still be able to handle everything I throw at it. Credits goes to eloraam for inspiration to use the sorting machine as a filter-on-crack (Check out SOTMead's youtube channel, I saw it there somewhere on server play recently)
- The Blue is my Blutricity power (Sapphire Bock Jacketed Bluewire to be exact)
- 4 Sorting machines (Centered around reticle)
_ LEFT: Your primary sorting machine. Be advised that any items you wish to be auto-packaged do NOT need to be sorted, but you can filter the results (Iron Blocks, etc)
So items from quarry / to be sorted come in from the bottom left. they go up the left sorter, and most items get sent to the top-left, ores go upstairs (to be spit out of that sorter at the very very top). Then, anything that is filtered for packaging will be filtered through the top sorter into the chest. The right sorter will pull out groups of 9 (to make sure the packager doesn't jam up) and the bottom sorter will pull the results out without a redstone signal and feed it back into the system, ready to be sorted....
Thoughts / comments / questions ?
Long-time lurker, 1st time poster! (so be nice! lol)
Been playing with FTB DW20 V4 SSP for a while now, and I came up with (what i believe) to be a very easy packaging system that should would for most RP sorting system setups. So here is my original design (If it has already been done before, i'm sorry) for a simple packager system.....
Back in the day, I had a packager for each item I wanted packaged, but became stupid after i had 10+ packagers, filters, and sorting machines, one fore each item. This became even more agrivating when i started running into some ores that could have different ID values, so i'd have to set up 2 machines for 1 ore (Copper, Tin, Silver). The design I created allows all of that to be compacted into a 3x1x3 area, and still be able to handle everything I throw at it. Credits goes to eloraam for inspiration to use the sorting machine as a filter-on-crack (Check out SOTMead's youtube channel, I saw it there somewhere on server play recently)
- The Blue is my Blutricity power (Sapphire Bock Jacketed Bluewire to be exact)
- 4 Sorting machines (Centered around reticle)
_ LEFT: Your primary sorting machine. Be advised that any items you wish to be auto-packaged do NOT need to be sorted, but you can filter the results (Iron Blocks, etc)
So items from quarry / to be sorted come in from the bottom left. they go up the left sorter, and most items get sent to the top-left, ores go upstairs (to be spit out of that sorter at the very very top). Then, anything that is filtered for packaging will be filtered through the top sorter into the chest. The right sorter will pull out groups of 9 (to make sure the packager doesn't jam up) and the bottom sorter will pull the results out without a redstone signal and feed it back into the system, ready to be sorted....
Thoughts / comments / questions ?