Hi My name is Daker41 and i am starting up a sever with creeper host for the dw20 mod pack but i would like to offer 2-4 ppl the chance the to split the bill in exchange for them being admin this dose come with some strings you will have to follow the rules an if you don't well we shall cross that bridge when it come to it.
i am looking to get the creeper or the enderman package there for the following list will tell you how much it will cot per person i will obviously be paying the most but how much you pay is up to you this is just a guide on what it would cost to share the cost equally. also keep in mind this is a monthly cost
The Creeper package costs $51.59 therefore i will pay $25 - $30 and it will cost you the succseful applicants $6 - $13
The Ender man package costs $75 therefore i will pay $40 -$50 and it will cost you the succseful applicants $7 - $14
This cost may seem a little more that the actual cost but the extra cash goes back into the sever for a rainy day such as i cant pay for a month or something like that but like i said how much you pay is up to you and the more you pay the better a sever we get and the less it relies on me but keep in mind the lowest figure is the minimum for those sever types. also i may even go to the skeleton or spider package but we shall see how it goes.
now for the application i would like you to give me the following details.
MC username:
Favorite mod/s:
why you would like to be an admin:
what experience have you had as and admin:
IF you have had admin experience what sever and why did you leave:
have you been banned on any server and if so why:
Favorite color (not really part of it i am just curious):
Lastly send me a pic of something you have built or a map download would be better:
now for the rules there pretty basic:
no stealing
no griefing
no destroying or placing blocks that you don't own unless you have permission form that owner
no kill players for the fun of it
no giving players items when you are in creative/cheat mode
lastly one mystcraft age per admin
now thats out of the way i shall explain the mystcraft rule properly
admin get one personal age to begin with if ni deem they are being good and do there job they shall be allowed up to 3
players can only have one mystcraft age but only if they donate and only if a book to there is stored in the admin nexus
the admins shall have a nexus to all ages to follow any complaints or to help people
there will be a public mining age
and there will be 2 overworlds in a sense
also the mining age gets reset every week or so
Now this is what your responsibility are:
helping players new to the sever and or mods
making sure the rules are followed and enforced
helping to build spawn and the nexus
along with other general admin duties
also i mentioned helping top build spawn and the nexus the spawn is going to be basic just something to have the rules there and maybe a few farms for food as the sever is going to be on hard mode also the nexus is just going to be for admin use. there is also the potability of a pvp area but that's a maybe
That all o and just so you know if you are accepted you may make suggestions towards these rules most likly they wont be done unless you can provide solid grounds for it to be so.
Thanks for reading and happy hunting.
i am looking to get the creeper or the enderman package there for the following list will tell you how much it will cot per person i will obviously be paying the most but how much you pay is up to you this is just a guide on what it would cost to share the cost equally. also keep in mind this is a monthly cost
The Creeper package costs $51.59 therefore i will pay $25 - $30 and it will cost you the succseful applicants $6 - $13
The Ender man package costs $75 therefore i will pay $40 -$50 and it will cost you the succseful applicants $7 - $14
This cost may seem a little more that the actual cost but the extra cash goes back into the sever for a rainy day such as i cant pay for a month or something like that but like i said how much you pay is up to you and the more you pay the better a sever we get and the less it relies on me but keep in mind the lowest figure is the minimum for those sever types. also i may even go to the skeleton or spider package but we shall see how it goes.
now for the application i would like you to give me the following details.
MC username:
Favorite mod/s:
why you would like to be an admin:
what experience have you had as and admin:
IF you have had admin experience what sever and why did you leave:
have you been banned on any server and if so why:
Favorite color (not really part of it i am just curious):
Lastly send me a pic of something you have built or a map download would be better:
now for the rules there pretty basic:
no stealing
no griefing
no destroying or placing blocks that you don't own unless you have permission form that owner
no kill players for the fun of it
no giving players items when you are in creative/cheat mode
lastly one mystcraft age per admin
now thats out of the way i shall explain the mystcraft rule properly
admin get one personal age to begin with if ni deem they are being good and do there job they shall be allowed up to 3
players can only have one mystcraft age but only if they donate and only if a book to there is stored in the admin nexus
the admins shall have a nexus to all ages to follow any complaints or to help people
there will be a public mining age
and there will be 2 overworlds in a sense
also the mining age gets reset every week or so
Now this is what your responsibility are:
helping players new to the sever and or mods
making sure the rules are followed and enforced
helping to build spawn and the nexus
along with other general admin duties
also i mentioned helping top build spawn and the nexus the spawn is going to be basic just something to have the rules there and maybe a few farms for food as the sever is going to be on hard mode also the nexus is just going to be for admin use. there is also the potability of a pvp area but that's a maybe
That all o and just so you know if you are accepted you may make suggestions towards these rules most likly they wont be done unless you can provide solid grounds for it to be so.
Thanks for reading and happy hunting.