Summary of the problem Server Side Tinkers Construct Issues
Pack Version 1.0.0
What is the bug? When I try running a server for Direwolf20 it does not allow me to craft anything for tinkers construct. The recipes appear, and the item appears when materials are placed, but clicking on it or trying to place it in my inventory and it bounces back to the craft section. I know this is server side- as it works in single player. I've also double checked the mod folders of the server and Direwolf and all mods are the same versions.
Side Note: This has happened with my previous attempts to run a mod pack server, both on resonant rise 3 and yogscast complete, run with the atlauncher
Mod & Version TConstruct-1.10.1-2.5.6b
Link to log file http://paste.feed-the-beast.com/view/14604a16
Is it repeatable?
Known Fix NA
Pack Version 1.0.0
What is the bug? When I try running a server for Direwolf20 it does not allow me to craft anything for tinkers construct. The recipes appear, and the item appears when materials are placed, but clicking on it or trying to place it in my inventory and it bounces back to the craft section. I know this is server side- as it works in single player. I've also double checked the mod folders of the server and Direwolf and all mods are the same versions.
Side Note: This has happened with my previous attempts to run a mod pack server, both on resonant rise 3 and yogscast complete, run with the atlauncher
Mod & Version TConstruct-1.10.1-2.5.6b
Link to log file http://paste.feed-the-beast.com/view/14604a16
Is it repeatable?
Known Fix NA