09.12 12:52:18 [Server] INFO [Minecraft] Saved the world
09.12 12:52:18 [Server] INFO [Minecraft] Saving...
09.12 12:52:18 [Server] INFO [Minecraft] Turned on world auto-saving
09.12 12:52:18 [Multicraft] Auto-saving world...
09.12 12:48:56 [Server] INFO [STDERR] at by.run(SourceFile:101)
09.12 12:48:56 [Server] INFO [STDERR] at bx.c(TcpConnection.java:525)
09.12 12:48:56 [Server] INFO [STDERR] at bx.i(TcpConnection.java:324)
09.12 12:48:56 [Server] INFO [STDERR] at dx.a(Packet.java:138)
09.12 12:48:56 [Server] INFO [STDERR] at java.io.FilterInputStream.read(FilterInputStream.java:83)
09.12 12:48:56 [Server] INFO [STDERR] at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(SocketInputStream.java:203)
09.12 12:48:56 [Server] INFO [STDERR] at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(SocketInputStream.java:121)
09.12 12:48:56 [Server] INFO [STDERR] at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(SocketInputStream.java:150)
09.12 12:48:56 [Server] INFO [STDERR] at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead0(Native Method)
09.12 12:48:56 [Server] INFO [STDERR] java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out
09.12 12:42:13 [Server] INFO [Minecraft] Saved the world
09.12 12:42:13 [Server] INFO [Minecraft] Saving...
09.12 12:42:13 [Server] INFO [Minecraft] Turned on world auto-saving
09.12 12:42:13 [Multicraft] Skipped 22 lines due to rate limit (30/s)
09.12 12:42:13 [Multicraft] Auto-saving world...
09.12 12:32:19 [Server] INFO [STDERR] at net.minecraftforge.common.DimensionManager.registerDimension(DimensionManager.java:66)
09.12 12:32:19 [Server] INFO [STDERR] java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Failed to register dimension for id 0, One is already registered
09.12 12:32:19 [Server] INFO [STDOUT] [Portal Gun 1.4.2v0.3] Loaded 0 portals from portalgun.dat for dimension -1.
09.12 12:32:19 [Server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] Loading dimension -1 (Crafternoon) (hg@1d8aa64a)
09.12 12:32:19 [Server] INFO [STDOUT] [Portal Gun 1.4.2v0.3] Portal data does not exist for dimension 1!
09.12 12:32:19 [Server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] Loading dimension 1 (Crafternoon) (hg@1d8aa64a)
09.12 12:32:19 [Server] INFO [STDOUT] [Portal Gun 1.4.2v0.3] Loaded 2 portals from portalgun.dat for dimension 7.
09.12 12:32:19 [Server] INFO [STDOUT] Readded hashes, hash size = 3258
09.12 12:32:19 [Server] INFO [STDOUT] Cache loaded. Size = 3258
09.12 12:32:19 [Server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] Loading dimension 7 (Crafternoon) (hg@1d8aa64a)
09.12 12:32:19 [Server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] Loading dimension 0 (Crafternoon) (hg@1d8aa64a)
09.12 12:32:19 [Server] INFO [Minecraft] Preparing level "Crafternoon"
09.12 12:32:19 [Server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] Forge Mod Loader has successfully loaded 36 mods
09.12 12:32:19 [Server] INFO [STDOUT] CONFLICT @ 366 item slot already occupied by ic2.common.ItemBlockRare@6711de12 while adding ic2.common.ItemBlockRare@460aa49b
09.12 12:32:19 [Server] INFO [STDOUT] CONFLICT @ 357 item slot already occupied by ic2.common.ItemBlockRare@27462350 while adding ic2.common.ItemBlockRare@6db86d54
09.12 12:32:18 [Server] INFO [ExtrabiomesXL] Initializing Buildcraft plugin.
09.12 12:32:18 [Server] INFO [STDOUT] [IC2] Loaded minor compatibility modules: Portal Gun
09.12 12:32:18 [Server] INFO [STDOUT] [Portal Gun 1.4.2v0.3] Added Block ID 628 to grabbing blacklist. Not metadata specific.
09.12 12:32:18 [Server] INFO [STDOUT] [Portal Gun 1.4.2v0.3] Added Block ID 629 to grabbing blacklist. Not metadata specific.
09.12 12:32:18 [Server] INFO [STDOUT] [Portal Gun 1.4.2v0.3] Added Block ID 615 to grabbing blacklist. Not metadata specific.
09.12 12:32:18 [Server] INFO [STDOUT] [Portal Gun 1.4.2v0.3] Added Block ID 616 to grabbing blacklist. Not metadata specific.
09.12 12:32:18 [Server] INFO [STDOUT] [Portal Gun 1.4.2v0.3] Added Block ID 618 to grabbing blacklist. Not metadata specific.
09.12 12:32:18 [Server] INFO [STDOUT] [Portal Gun 1.4.2v0.3] Added Block ID 617 to grabbing blacklist. Not metadata specific.
09.12 12:32:18 [Server] INFO [STDOUT] [Portal Gun 1.4.2v0.3] Added Block ID 608 to grabbing blacklist. Not metadata specific.
09.12 12:32:18 [Server] INFO [STDOUT] [Portal Gun 1.4.2v0.3] Added Block ID 621 to grabbing blacklist. Not metadata specific.
09.12 12:32:18 [Server] INFO [STDOUT] [Portal Gun 1.4.2v0.3] Added Block ID 620 to grabbing blacklist. Not metadata specific.
09.12 12:32:18 [Server] INFO [STDOUT] [Portal Gun 1.4.2v0.3] Added Block ID 627 to grabbing blacklist. Metadata specific: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
09.12 12:32:18 [Server] INFO [STDOUT] [IC2] BuildCraft 3.2 integration module loaded
09.12 12:32:18 [Server] INFO [STDOUT] [IC2] BuildCraft integration: Railcraft integration loaded
09.12 12:32:18 [Server] INFO [STDOUT] [IC2] Loading IC2 submodule: bcIntegration32x
09.12 12:32:17 [Server] INFO [ExtrabiomesXL] Added red rock to mountain ridge biome.
09.12 12:32:17 [Server] INFO [ExtrabiomesXL] Added cracked sand to wasteland biome.
09.12 12:32:17 [Server] INFO [STDOUT] Loading CCTurtle v1.46 (rev 782)
09.12 12:32:17 [Server] INFO [STDOUT] ComputerCraft: RedPowerLib not found.
09.12 12:32:17 [Server] INFO [STDOUT] ComputerCraft: Searching for RedPowerLib...
09.12 12:32:17 [Server] INFO [STDOUT] Loading ComputerCraft v1.46 (rev 782)
09.12 12:32:17 [Server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] fihgu's Core Mod was loaded.
09.12 12:32:17 [Server] WARNING [Minecraft] To change this, set "online-mode" to "true" in the server.properties file.
09.12 12:32:17 [Server] WARNING [Minecraft] While this makes the game possible to play without internet access, it also opens up the ability for hackers to connect with any username they choose.
09.12 12:32:17 [Server] WARNING [Minecraft] The server will make no attempt to authenticate usernames. Beware.
09.12 12:32:17 [Server] WARNING [Minecraft] **** SERVER IS RUNNING IN OFFLINE/INSECURE MODE!
09.12 12:32:17 [Server] INFO [Minecraft] Starting Minecraft server on
09.12 12:32:17 [Server] INFO [Minecraft] Generating keypair
09.12 12:32:17 [Server] INFO [Minecraft] Default game type: SURVIVAL
09.12 12:32:17 [Server] INFO [Minecraft] Loading properties
09.12 12:32:17 [Server] INFO [STDOUT] [Portal Gun 1.4.2v0.3] Properties loaded.
09.12 12:32:17 [Server] INFO [STDOUT] [Portal Gun 1.4.2v0.3] Loading properties.
09.12 12:32:17 [Server] INFO [ThermalExpansion] An updated version of Thermal Expansion is available:
09.12 12:32:16 [Server] INFO [ObsidiPlates] Config loaded from: /config/ObsidiPlates.cfg
09.12 12:32:16 [Multicraft] Skipped 123 lines due to rate limit (30/s)
09.12 12:32:14 [Server] INFO [ExtrabiomesXL] savanna: 52
09.12 12:32:14 [Server] INFO [ExtrabiomesXL] redwoodlush: 51
09.12 12:32:14 [Server] INFO [ExtrabiomesXL] redwoodforest: 50
09.12 12:32:14 [Server] INFO [ExtrabiomesXL] rainforest: 49
09.12 12:32:14 [Server] INFO [ExtrabiomesXL] pineforest: 48
09.12 12:32:14 [Server] INFO [ExtrabiomesXL] mountaintaiga: 47
09.12 12:32:14 [Server] INFO [ExtrabiomesXL] mountainridge: 46
09.12 12:32:14 [Server] INFO [ExtrabiomesXL] mountaindesert: 45
09.12 12:32:14 [Server] INFO [ExtrabiomesXL] minijungle: 44
09.12 12:32:14 [Server] INFO [ExtrabiomesXL] meadow: 43
09.12 12:32:14 [Server] INFO [ExtrabiomesXL] marsh: 42
09.12 12:32:14 [Server] INFO [ExtrabiomesXL] icewasteland: 41
09.12 12:32:14 [Server] INFO [ExtrabiomesXL] greenswamp: 40
09.12 12:32:14 [Server] INFO [ExtrabiomesXL] greenhills: 39
09.12 12:32:14 [Server] INFO [ExtrabiomesXL] glacier: 38
09.12 12:32:14 [Server] INFO [ExtrabiomesXL] forestedisland: 37
09.12 12:32:14 [Server] INFO [ExtrabiomesXL] forestedhills: 36
09.12 12:32:14 [Server] INFO [ExtrabiomesXL] extremejungle: 35
09.12 12:32:14 [Server] INFO [ExtrabiomesXL] birchforest: 34
09.12 12:32:14 [Server] INFO [ExtrabiomesXL] autumnwoods: 33
09.12 12:32:14 [Server] INFO [ExtrabiomesXL] alpine: 32
09.12 12:32:14 [Server] INFO [ExtrabiomesXL] ===== Biome ID List =====
09.12 12:32:14 [Server] INFO [ExtrabiomesXL] Module AMICA is enabled.
09.12 12:32:14 [Server] INFO [ExtrabiomesXL] Module FABRICA is enabled.
09.12 12:32:14 [Server] INFO [ExtrabiomesXL] Module CAUTIA is enabled.
09.12 12:32:14 [Server] INFO [ExtrabiomesXL] Module SUMMA is enabled.
09.12 12:32:14 [Server] INFO [Buildcraft] http://www.mod-buildcraft.com
09.12 12:32:14 [Server] INFO [Buildcraft] Copyright (c) SpaceToad, 2011
09.12 12:32:14 [Server] INFO [Buildcraft] Starting BuildCraft 3.1.8 (:206)
09.12 12:32:14 [Server] WARNING [ForgeModLoader] BuildCraft: Using outdated version [3.1.8 (build:206)] for Minecraft 1.4.2. Consider updating.
09.12 12:32:12 [Server] INFO [STDOUT] [IC2] Config loaded from /./config/IC2.cfg
09.12 12:32:12 [Server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] Configured a dormant chunk cache size of 0
09.12 12:32:11 [Server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] Forge Mod Loader has identified 36 mods to load
09.12 12:32:10 [Server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] Searching /mods for mods
09.12 12:32:10 [Server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] Completed early MinecraftForge initialization
09.12 12:32:09 [Server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] MinecraftForge v6.0.1.353 Initialized
09.12 12:32:09 [Server] INFO [STDOUT] MinecraftForge v6.0.1.353 Initialized
09.12 12:32:09 [Server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] Attempting early MinecraftForge initialization
09.12 12:32:09 [Server] INFO [Minecraft] Starting minecraft server version 1.4.2
09.12 12:32:09 [Server] INFO [STDOUT] 27 achievements
09.12 12:32:09 [Server] INFO [STDOUT] 208 recipes
09.12 12:32:08 [Server] INFO [STDOUT] Adding Accesstransformer map: nei_at.cfg
09.12 12:32:08 [Server] INFO [STDOUT] Adding Accesstransformer map: codechickencore_at.cfg
09.12 12:32:08 [Server] INFO [ForgeModLoader] Forge Mod Loader version for Minecraft 1.4.2 loading
09.12 12:32:08 [Multicraft] Loaded config for "Craftbukkit 1.4.2 (Build 2455) Beta Build"
09.12 12:32:08 [Multicraft] Starting server!
09.12 12:32:08 [Multicraft] Loading server properties
09.12 12:32:08 [Multicraft] Received start command