Hello everyone,
From one day to another, my rented minecraft server just stopped and i cant login anymore (even though control panel says its online).
My guess is it's xycraft, because of
2013-09-09 12:42:10 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Something raised an exception. The message was 'A list of xycraft id conflicts have been written to the file 'XycraftConflicts.txt' in your minecraft directory'. 'stopGame' is true
but currently, i dont know how to fix it and i'm not sure if its really the problem, so please help me out here since i'm not familiar with servers and admin releated commands
there is a backup option, but its from 5 days ago, so i hope i can use a command to clean all items in transportpipes etc. or something else, if it's that.
here is full crash report:
Current FTB version: 1.1.2
No added modpacks
Publicserver, 6 slots
Used RAM: 979.80 MB // Softlimit: 10GB // Hardlimit 20GB
From one day to another, my rented minecraft server just stopped and i cant login anymore (even though control panel says its online).
My guess is it's xycraft, because of
2013-09-09 12:42:10 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Something raised an exception. The message was 'A list of xycraft id conflicts have been written to the file 'XycraftConflicts.txt' in your minecraft directory'. 'stopGame' is true
but currently, i dont know how to fix it and i'm not sure if its really the problem, so please help me out here since i'm not familiar with servers and admin releated commands
there is a backup option, but its from 5 days ago, so i hope i can use a command to clean all items in transportpipes etc. or something else, if it's that.
here is full crash report:
Current FTB version: 1.1.2
No added modpacks
Publicserver, 6 slots
Used RAM: 979.80 MB // Softlimit: 10GB // Hardlimit 20GB