Seeking players who like creating lore and roleplaying

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm wondering if there is anyone who plays like I do. I like roleplaying to an extent where my actions as a player are altered to fit a narrative, and self-generated lore and rules. To illustrate what I mean by this, I'll give the example of my first world in DW20:

I'm playing as an alchemist who has materialized on a small island, having just escaped the imminent invasion of my home dimension. I swim to the nearby shore and explore a mushroom hills biome. On the other side of the hill, I find a village in the near distance. Still alert from my previous escape, I have to stay hidden in the mushroom hill and observe. I carve into the hill and begin making a small shelter, which I would later turn into an alchemical fortress. In the night, I spot a witch outside the door staring in, and the next day while exploring I spot that there are hobgoblins here, so I imagine in my head that the previous village is using this hill as a burial ground. The hobgoblins are the natives who are being used by the witch that is using the land to practice her necromancy. I begin planning where her hut would be, and come up with future build ideas.

That should give a general overviews of how I like to play. I don't like bum rushing end-game items, because it seems like it ruins their specialness if they are not hard-earned. I'm hoping there's at least one person out there like me. I like the idea of creating a civilization together with a rich lore and have a good experience making it together :)