Save files

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I want to transfer a world from one computer to another.Normaly on vanilla I go onto run, the do %appdata% then click .minecraft . Then I would open saves and copy the world I want. This was the same for Hack/mine (technic) apart from i would select the modpack after going into .techniclauncher . I have tried this for FTB but when i went into Yogscraft there wasn't a saves folder, or anything like in .minecraft . Can someone please help, I cant work out how to get the save.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You have to download the pack first. Then there will be a saves folder. Also, an easy way to find the saves folder is to go onto Yogscraft, go into texture packs, and click the button that puts you in the texturepack folder. Navigate out of the Texturepack folder and into saves!
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