Rube Goldberg Machinery

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm sure, at one time or another, we've all come up with incredibly over-complex machinery designs, accomplishing a relatively simple task in as roundabout (and awesome) a way as is humanly possible. How about showing off some of your Rube Goldberg'd designs? I'll start with one of my own...

So, I was thinking of how to automate (as best as one can) my peat bog. I'm sure I could've easily followed something Direwolf or another did and make a simple, yet elegant design that took up a minimum of space whilst doing everything perfectly. However, that would be boring.

Sooooo, I made some Red Power filters, diamond chests (spring for the best, baby!), and for extra showoffitude, some magtubes! Regular pneumatics could've done all this pretty easily and simply, but there's something...almost sexy about stringing up some magtubes and having your peat shoot thru your system at Mach 7. Okay, I know it only goes about 44 miles an hour, but still! Only thing I think I should've done differently is show off more, and use diamond block-jacketed blue wire, instead of just obsidian. In my defense, I do love me some obsidian.

I did notice the odd conductive pipe sticking out near my liquid transposer, and that has since been dealt with. Also, I used Stirling engines instead of peat-fired ones because pneumatics have a bad habit of filling every available slot with peat, including the 4 ash output slots. Maybe I'll change this up a bit, one day, and power all this with combustion engines. Nothing says "fancy" like the chance for massive explosions!