RFTools/Thermal Dynamics/MFR puzzle!

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello people! On sky factory 2.5 I'm trying to set up a self-sustaining wheat and carrot farm. I need someone experienced with the above mods to help me figure out the piping, with retrievers, filters and servos.
I need carrots harvested to go into the planter as a main priority, then into the crafter to be turned into carrot juice once the planter is full. I need this carrot juice to be moved into the barrel, but as the recipe also uses a juicer, this needs to be piped back into the crafter, which I can't figure out.
Seeds will also go into planter, and the wheat needs to go into the crafter, which crafts bread, which then goes into the culinary generator.
The chest on the left will be used as an overflow chest, but shouldn't accept bread or carrot juice, as these are being used.
If it helps, the crafter can have an upgrade that filters items piped into it.

Help would be much appreciated, good luck and thank you! :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You should go with a RFTools Crafter--just set the recipes (Tier 1 is fine, as that's two recipes that can be stored.) Filters and priority settings will help.

And that's off the top of my head--I should give it a try myself when I get to that point when I start up my SkyFactory world soonish.

Sent from my Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron using Tapatalk 2

Henry Link

Forum Addict
Dec 23, 2012
USA - East Coast
Also, since you are using TE pipe I would move the harvester to the other side of the farm. Pipe the times from it to the planter first then to the crafting/storage setup you have. TE pipes always (unless directed by another mechanic) try to push items to the closet inventory. You don't need any filters/server on the planter. Just make sure it is set not to consume stack. Put one carrot and one seed in it, then fill the rest with cobble or dirt. That way the planter will only accept the seeds and carrots and once it has a stack of each the excess will continue done the pipe to the crafter/storage.
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Forum Addict
Jul 27, 2013
Make sure the planter is not set to consume stack, and use a servo that's set to round robin the output. That'll split the stack, and ensure both are equally fed. Alternately, move the crafter over, and place a dense pipe between it and the harvester. That adds the equivalent of several thousand pipes of distance.