Summary of the problem RFTools Spawner Squid key matter incompatible
Pack Version SkyFactory 3 3.0.15
What is the bug? There seems to be a misconfiguration of the required matter for squids in the RFTools Spawner. Currently the key matter is also living matter. In result when feeding living matter it only counts as key matter. So it's impossible to spawn squids with the spawner.
In the RFTools.cfg within the mobspawnamounts both "spawnamount.0" and "spawnamount.2" have no item / block assigned and therefore mean "living matter". According to the wiki squids should require ink sacs as key matter (spawnamount.0). The key matter should be "minecraft:dye"
Mod & Version RFTools 6.13
Link to log file
Is it repeatable? Yes, it's a misconfiguration. Create an RFTools Spawner and a syringe filled with squid mob essence
Known Fix Haven't tried yet but this should work. Inside the "RFTools.cfg" within the "mobspawnamounts" section this change should do:
S:Squid.spawnamount.0 <
Pack Version SkyFactory 3 3.0.15
What is the bug? There seems to be a misconfiguration of the required matter for squids in the RFTools Spawner. Currently the key matter is also living matter. In result when feeding living matter it only counts as key matter. So it's impossible to spawn squids with the spawner.
In the RFTools.cfg within the mobspawnamounts both "spawnamount.0" and "spawnamount.2" have no item / block assigned and therefore mean "living matter". According to the wiki squids should require ink sacs as key matter (spawnamount.0). The key matter should be "minecraft:dye"
Mod & Version RFTools 6.13
Link to log file
Is it repeatable? Yes, it's a misconfiguration. Create an RFTools Spawner and a syringe filled with squid mob essence
Known Fix Haven't tried yet but this should work. Inside the "RFTools.cfg" within the "mobspawnamounts" section this change should do:
S:Squid.spawnamount.0 <