Problem Revelation 1.5 + Extreme Reactors

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
First off, a lot of people are not happy with this pack, but I've had a lot of fun with it. My "typical" mid-game mods are not really there to support me, including Blood Magic and Thaumcraft, and I've had to find other ways around several problems. It has forced me to explore mods I had not used, and for that, super cool.

However, I'm to a point where I want more power. I don't have a "stuff accumulator," really, which is what I think will be needed to take on Nuclearcraft. So, I am trying to use Extreme Reactors before going to Nuclearcraft. However, I just noticed ... I can't seem to make Coolant Port in Extreme Reactors go to "output" mode. In fact, the ports don't respond to open hand or any wrench I've tried on them (crescent hammer, Tesla wrench, AA wrench, AE wrench, etc.

Would be great to get a turbine running, but that's clearly not possible without fluid export port. What am I missing?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey, I don't know if you have resolved this or not, but I did find the solution. If you use JEI and type "Extreme" you find there is a wrench called the "Extreme Wrench" craft that and you can use it to change the ports from input to output and back, do be aware it does require orange wool to make a green wrench handle (I have no idea why), and is doesn't work anywhere except on the Extreme Reactors equipment. I hope this helps.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I did not solve the issue. I will certainly give this a try. Looks like I can build one ... not sure why I didn't try it, before? Weird.

I ended up just making a gigantic reactor with gelid cooling and 40 2-height rods. It makes 38k RF/tick which I dump into a Draconic Tier 2 storage. So far, I haven't had any energy needs beyond bursting 200m RF, so it actually only runs periodically.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Okay, glad I could help! I actually found it because I just built my first turbine and got it functional at 16kRF/t using Electrum (I know, not ideal but it is what I had to work with at this point in my playthrough)