I am using residence for a few reasons. The main reason being it has the option to add custom containers to protect. Plugins like grief prevention are not an option, as I need subregions for cities. The custom containers protection worked fine for a while, but now its not working at all. Here is the whole config:
Any help would be appreciated, this is a major road block and I still cant find a solution.
#These are Global Settings for Residence.
# This loads the <language>.yml file in the Residence Language folder
# All Residence text comes from this file. (NOT DONE YET)
Language: English
# Wooden Axe is the default selection tool for Residence.
# You can change it to another item ID listed here: http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Data_values
SelectionToolId: 271
# This determins which tool you can use to see info on residences, default is String.
# Simply equip this tool and hit a location inside the residence and it will display the info for it.
InfoToolId: 287
# The interval, in milliseconds, between movement checks.
# Reducing this will increase the load on the server.
# Increasing this will allow players to move further in movement restricted zones before they are teleported out.
MoveCheckInterval: 500
# The interval, in minutes, between residence saves.
SaveInterval: 10
# The default group to use if Permissions fails to attach or your not using Permissions.
DefaultGroup: default
# Enable / Disable the Lease System.
UseLeaseSystem: false
# The interval, in minutes, between residence lease checks (if leases are enabled).
LeaseCheckInterval: 10
# Allows leases to automatically renew so long as the player has the money, if economy is disabled, this setting does nothing.
LeaseAutoRenew: true
# Whether or not to use the Permissions system in conjunction with this config.
EnablePermissions: true
# Set to true if NOT using Permissions or PermissionsBukkit, or using a really old version of Permissions
LegacyPermissions: false
# Enable / Disable Residence's Economy System (iConomy, MineConomy, Essentials, BOSEconomy, and RealEconomy supported).
EnableEconomy: true
# Enables or disables the Rent System
EnableRentSystem: false
# The interval, in minutes, between residence rent expiration checks (if the rent system is enabled).
RentCheckInterval: 10
# Enable or disable residence chat channels.
ResidenceChatEnable: true
# Color of residence chat.
ResidenceChatColor: DARK_PURPLE
# Whether or not to ignore the usual Permission flags and only allow OPs and groups with 'residence.admin' to change residences.
AdminOnlyCommands: false
# Setting this to true makes server OPs admins.
AdminOPs: true
# This is the name of the plugin you use for multiworld, if you dont have a multiworld plugin you can safely ignore this.
# The only thing this does is check to make sure the multiworld plugin is enabled BEFORE Residence, to ensure properly loading residences for other worlds.
MultiWorldPlugin: Multiverse-Core
# Setting this to true causes subzones to inherit flags from their parent zones.
ResidenceFlagsInherit: true
# Setting this to false will allow rented residences to be modified by the renting player.
PreventRentModify: true
# Setting this to false will cause residence to continue to load even if a error is detected in the save file.
StopOnSaveFault: true
# This is the residence name filter, that filters out invalid characters. Google "Java RegEx" or "Java Regular Expressions" for more info on how they work.
ResidenceNameRegex: '[^a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\_]'
# Setting this to true sends a message to the console every time Residence does a rent expire check or a lease expire check.
ShowIntervalMessages: false
# Experimental - The following settings are lists of block IDs to be used as part of the checks for the "container" and "use" flags when using mods.
- 501.*
- 502.*
- 503.*
- 504.*
- 505.*
- 506.*
- 507.*
- 508.*
- 509.*
- 510.*
- 511.*
- 512.*
- 513.*
- 514.*
- 515.*
- 516.*
- 517.*
- 518.*
- 580.*
- 604.*
- 608.*
- 611.*
- 617.*
- 618.*
- 619.*
- 623.*
- 624.*
- 645.*
- 650.*
- 665.*
- 680.*
- 681.*
- 682.*
- 684.*
- 685.*
- 686.*
- 687.*
- 690.*
- 700.*
- 702.*
- 703.*
- 750.*
- 754.*
- 755.*
- 756.*
- 761.*
- 763.*
- 764.*
- 765.*
- 901.*
- 902.*
- 905.*
- 906.*
- 907.*
- 927.*
- 938.*
- 939.*
- 942.*
- 962.*
- 963.*
- 964.*
- 975.*
- 1000.*
- 1051.*
- 1052.*
- 1053.*
- 1054.*
- 1055.*
- 1200.*
- 1225.*
- 1226.*
- 1227.*
- 1228.*
- 1229.*
- 1252.*
- 1403.*
- 1411.*
- 1476.*
- 1517.*
- 1603.*
- 1604.*
- 1614.*
- 1616.*
- 2002.*
- 2005.*
- 2006.*
- 2007.*
- 2008.*
- 2009.*
- 2500.*
- 2501.*
- 2502.*
- 2503.*
- 2507.*
- 2508.*
- 2509.*
- 2510.*
- 2511.*
- 2875.*
- 2876.*
- 2877.*
- 2878.*
- 2879.*
- 2880.*
- 2881.*
- 2882.*
- 2883.*
- 3120.*
- 3131.*
- 4005.*
- 4067.*
- 5271.*
- 7809.*
- 13462.*
- 29280.*
- 29290.*
- 29291.*
- 29292.*
- 29293.*
- 29294.*
- 29295.*
- 29296.*
- 29297.*
- 29298.*
- 29299.*
- 29300.*
- 29301.*
- 29302.*
- 29303.*
- 29304.*
- 29305.*
- 29306.*
- 29307.*
- 29308.*
- 29309.*
- 29310.*
- 29312.*
- 29313.*
- 29314.*
- 29315.*
- 29316.*
- 29317.*
- 29318.*
- 29319.*
- 29320.*
- 29321.*
- 29322.*
- 29323.*
- 29324.*
- 29325.*
- 29326.*
- 29327.*
- 29328.*
- 29329.*
- 29330.*
- 29331.*
- 29332.*
- 29333.*
- 29334.*
- 29335.*
- 29336.*
- 29337.*
- 29338.*
- 29339.*
- 29340.*
- 29341.*
- 29342.*
- 29343.*
- 29344.*
- 29345.*
- 29346.*
- 29347.*
- 29348.*
- 29349.*
- 29351.*
- 29352.*
- 29353.*
- 29354.*
- 29355.*
- 29356.*
- 29357.*
- 29358.*
- 29359.*
- 29360.*
- 29361.*
- 29362.*
- 29363.*
- 29364.*
- 29365.*
- 29366.*
- 29367.*
- 29368.*
- 29369.*
- 29997.*
- 29999.*
- 30108.*
- 30185.*
CustomBothClick: [1000.5]
CustomRightClick: []
Any help would be appreciated, this is a major road block and I still cant find a solution.