"Repair" Enchant on non-Thaumium tools

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm pretty sure everyone would rather have the repair enchantment on a tool or piece of armor that is not the less speedy, protective, or durable thaumium material, but by using an anvil or enchanting table you will never be able to get repair on your shiny diamond pick.

However, I have discovered through the use of the Twilight Forest's mod's Uncrafting Table, you can take a once enchanted thaumium tool or piece of armor with repair on it and swap out it's material for diamond.

Shown below is an example. Please forgive me using a hoe as an example, but it was the first tool that got enchanted with repair


Also note that this method can be further used to get Soul Stealer on a repair item and then on a diamond sword. Also do note that enchantment level can get rather high (my pick cost 49 levels). Also this will only work on items that can have their materials replaced.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Unfortunately, the repair enchantment will only repair tc3 items. You can transfer it in this manner, but it won't have any effect. Soul stealing diamond swords, however, are awesome.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Unfortunately, the repair enchantment will only repair tc3 items. You can transfer it in this manner, but it won't have any effect. Soul stealing diamond swords, however, are awesome.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This is your first post so I'll be nice... this has been long known and documented in many threads already. And as Bibble already said, the Repair (or Charging) enchantment won't work on any tool other than Thaumcraft ones.
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