Regarding FTB Beta Pack (Confusion)

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have a question regarding the minecraft version 1.4.2 FTB modpack. Is that a pack that is going to be updated? Or is it intended to be replaced by other packs such as the direwolf pack. I'm a bit out of the loop as far as development plans go, and I ask because I run a server for my friends and they are wondering if an update is coming, or if we should just switch to a new pack.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have a question regarding the minecraft version 1.4.2 FTB modpack. Is that a pack that is going to be updated? Or is it intended to be replaced by other packs such as the direwolf pack. I'm a bit out of the loop as far as development plans go, and I ask because I run a server for my friends and they are wondering if an update is coming, or if we should just switch to a new pack.
The Beta A Pack is being phased out.

Switch to DW20 or Mindcrack, or wait for Ultimate.