Redstone energy cell frame won't take molten redstone

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Hey partypeople :p

I don't seem to be able to fill my Redstone energy cell frame (empty) with my molten redstone..
I've tried 2/3 methods that are lited in my NEI but without any luck, The methods I've tried are with the furnice With/Without crucible and the liquid transposer, All of my tries have been with slightly above 4k mB or with full tanks but no filling going on there, even tried to pump it fron a portable tank with a wooden fluid pipe..

Running FTB Infinity 1.7.10

Please help ^^


Too Much Free Time
Nov 11, 2013
It is not Molten Redstone that it needs to be filled with, but Destabilized Redstone.

If you smelt redstone down in a TiCo smeltery, then you need to heat the smeltery with Pyrotheum or you only get molten Redstone or whatever.

Easiest is to set up a Magma Crucible next to a Fluid Transposer and do it that way IMO.