Railcraft Smoker Block Missing (direwolfwolf20 1.10 modpack)

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So ... from everything I can tell the Railcraft smoker block should be in the game. I checked config and it is in the blocks.cfg file set to true. The block does not show up in JEI and i tried the recipe and it is not craftable. Anyone have any thoughts on what the deal is here? I suspect a bug in the Direwolf20 modpack, maybe an item number mismatch?


Too Much Free Time
Dec 8, 2012
Lost as always
Honestly, it was a good idea, bad implementaiton. IIRC, it was horribad for tic lag or FPS or something. There was a time it was pulled from the mod for more work, and I don't recall if it was actually put back in or not.
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