Hi there,
I've been working on a biomass -> biofuel -> steam production system
The system works like this: I have 4 fermenters:
- 1 is running on birch saplings from an automatic tree farm
- 1 is running on rubber saplings from an automatic tree farm
- 2 are running on sugar canes from a HUGE automatic farm
The biomass is stored in an iron tank. It then goes into 3 working stills which produce the biofuel.
The biofuel is stored in an iron tank. After that it gets into a 36 HP boiler. The steam from the boiler goes to some industrial steam engines, where some of them are powering the fermenters and the stills.
Now, I read somewhere that a single fermenter can produce enough biomass for 4 stills. But this is not the case for me. If i turn on more than 3 stills I start losing biomass. For some reason the biomass production is not fast enough.
I have a few problems with my setup:
- The sapling production is too slow for the fermenters (even though i read that one tree farm should be enough for a single fermenter)
- The sugar cane production, however, seems to be fast, but they dont seem to produce enough biomass. I was thinking it might be because of the amount of MJ/t that the fermenters recieves, but it seems unlikely ( I have an 50MJ/t powerline connecting all of the farms, the fermenter and the stills).
So, there a few questions I wanted to ask:
1. Should i focus on only one type of resource for the fermenters? (Sugar cane, saplings, etc...)
2. Is there a limitation for the max MJ/t fermenters can recieve? (I understand that the more power the fermenter gets, the faster it works. So maybe I should just work and a more powerful powerline, so that the sugar cane fermenters will work faster.
3. If I'll add another sugar cane fermenter to the same powerline, will the system work better (For example, do 3 fermenters working on a 10 MJ/t powerline (that means 3.33MJ/t each) work better than 2 fermenters on a 10MJ/t powerline (which is 5MJ/t each) ? )
Sorry for the long post, but I really want to fully understand how the fermenters work so I could optimise my system.
Thanks in advance!!!
I've been working on a biomass -> biofuel -> steam production system
The system works like this: I have 4 fermenters:
- 1 is running on birch saplings from an automatic tree farm
- 1 is running on rubber saplings from an automatic tree farm
- 2 are running on sugar canes from a HUGE automatic farm
The biomass is stored in an iron tank. It then goes into 3 working stills which produce the biofuel.
The biofuel is stored in an iron tank. After that it gets into a 36 HP boiler. The steam from the boiler goes to some industrial steam engines, where some of them are powering the fermenters and the stills.
Now, I read somewhere that a single fermenter can produce enough biomass for 4 stills. But this is not the case for me. If i turn on more than 3 stills I start losing biomass. For some reason the biomass production is not fast enough.
I have a few problems with my setup:
- The sapling production is too slow for the fermenters (even though i read that one tree farm should be enough for a single fermenter)
- The sugar cane production, however, seems to be fast, but they dont seem to produce enough biomass. I was thinking it might be because of the amount of MJ/t that the fermenters recieves, but it seems unlikely ( I have an 50MJ/t powerline connecting all of the farms, the fermenter and the stills).
So, there a few questions I wanted to ask:
1. Should i focus on only one type of resource for the fermenters? (Sugar cane, saplings, etc...)
2. Is there a limitation for the max MJ/t fermenters can recieve? (I understand that the more power the fermenter gets, the faster it works. So maybe I should just work and a more powerful powerline, so that the sugar cane fermenters will work faster.
3. If I'll add another sugar cane fermenter to the same powerline, will the system work better (For example, do 3 fermenters working on a 10 MJ/t powerline (that means 3.33MJ/t each) work better than 2 fermenters on a 10MJ/t powerline (which is 5MJ/t each) ? )
Sorry for the long post, but I really want to fully understand how the fermenters work so I could optimise my system.
Thanks in advance!!!