*Question* Overworld to Mystcraft Book

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My question is this, Is it possible to transfer my servers current overworld to a mystcraft age book instead so that I may generate a new overworld in its place. I have been holding back on any major builds/explorations in my world in anticipation of up and coming redpower release, whenever that may be, however if I can transfer my current overworld to an age, that would be ideal.

So, has anyone done this before? If so can anyone explain how to do this? also will it cause any issues and bugs that anyone knows of, Thanks in advance for any replies!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This may work(check my sig), so get a proper way.
1. Make new age.
2. Find it's folder and delete the goodies inside.
3. Find a similar named folder in your save, I think it's DIM-0
4. Copy it's contents into the other folder.
5. Bam, it'll either crash the server(maybe), or it'll work.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I believe that it should work for all existing data, but that any new gen would probably take it's info from the descriptive book. I recall xcompwiz saying something about this being a possibility in future versions, though (not just transferring the overworld, but importing worlds from elsewhere).