Unix Quarries acting up after server crash

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019

I had a rather nasty servercrash before due to my disk being full.
I moved everything to another partition with a lot more free disk space and restarted the server. It started throwing erros about not being able to load world -1 and crash.

I copied the files and removed the world and restarted the server to generate a new world file. This worked.
Then I started moving the region files, player.dat, ... and retried the server.

This time, it started. Players haven't lost anything, buildings still intact, however, quarries are acting up.

When I start a quarry it builds the frame like it should (either using landmarks or without) but the part that does the actual mining is not within the frame. The part that moves on the Z axis starts 30 blocks behind the frame and the part that moves on the X axis is more then 100 blocks away from the frame. Replacing the quarry does not fix the issue.

I figured something corrupted the mod files or whatever but after replacing them with new ones the problems persists, on all quarries placed by any player in the world.

Is there something I can do to resolve this issue or can I say that my world is corrupted beyond repair and needs to be reset?

Other buildcraft items like the pump seem to be working fine...
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