PVP Capture the Base Game Event - Winter Break FTB Server

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Me and a few Friends of mine are hosting a Mini-Faction War type server for winter break as a fun event(Dec 24), if anyone is interested we would be glad to invite more people to our server. US Server, Up time can be 24/7 if need be(This will be discussed) We currently have 4 participators right now but we could use around 12 to make it a real experience. We notice that the mod list is quite large, sitting at 188 mods, and things can become broken at times but we can embrace that, trust me as there are more than a few ways to kill a seemingly unkillable player. The regular gist of the rules are: There will be Two sides, Blue and While, these two teams will be separated in a 12,000 by 6,000 Rectangle arranged like this The squares represent each base that the other side has to take over, once a team loses all of their bases the game has been decided. To conquer a base you must simply capture the base(Just like capture the point). There will be three total wars with each war lasting five days maximum., here’s the Twist. The First war will be an all out war, you can use any mods to win the war and mess around with every mod. The Second war will be a little more complex as now Both teams are restricted by Magic and Tech Sided mods; basically the team the won the previous war gets to pick which side they want to play first, magic or technology sided. The Third war is simple as we simply switch sides of magic and technology. If you’re going to raid a base then you must press a button in the nexus of the server for which base you’re raiding. List of what you can and cannot do:

No Griefing(Only if you want to break a small entrance to get into an enemy base.) You many take items of another player only if you kill them while a raid isn’t happening.(If a raid ends and you see a grave you may plunder it.) You cannot mess with any automations another player has made. No duping, glitching or cheating of any kind. Do not abuse tick based items as it may cause the server to crash(.i.e. Acceleration wand)aka macro If you have any questions just DM me here or on my discord Joel.Profiction#4056, we also have a discord server.